When designing Heists and other various adventures for their fringer crew (the player characters), I find that myself, and I'm sure all the other Galaxy Masters (GMs) out there, could use some handy resources to help generate a spark of creativity through the use of random tables.
Here is my own list of random Illegal Cargo, contraband that the fringer crew needs to smuggle and/or steal in their desperate attempts to gain wealth and shake off the grip of those damned Hutt crime lords! To use it, just add 3d10. I arranged the cargo to have the most dangerous, expensive, and controversial items closer to 03 and 30, and the most commonplace closer to the 15-16 mark.
If you've got some suggestions to add to my list, I'd love to hear them!
03 - narcotics
04 - stimsticks
05 - proton torpedoes
06 - tibanna gas
07 - common explosives
08 - prototype handheld weapons
09 - antique weapons
10 - military data / plans
11 - material to be used for blackmail
12 - counterfeit credits
13 - stormtrooper (or other military) helmets and armor
14 - blaster rifles or other common handheld weaponry
15 - fine art
16 - droids
17 - medicine
18 - stolen food
19 - spies
20 - political prisoners
21 - scientists/engineers
22 - young of an exotic creature
23 - an adult dangerous creature
24 - Wookies
25 - an unknown, still living humanoid frozen in carbonite
26 - Jawas
27 - stolen cattle
28 - a preserved corpse
29 - artificial organs
30 - Rebel scum
Also posted at Triumph & Despair .