World Championship Role Call…. again?

By Denied, in Dust Warfare

So I am going o ask on the main page since I got like no response. Is anyone going to the World Championships at FFG next weekend? and playing Dust? Like I heard they are giving away some major prizes to the winners and so far I haven't seen a lot of people saying they are going which makes me a sad panda. I know I'll be there representing Deutschland with my Axis yo! Can't wait to crush some filthy Commies and Allie Pigs!

I'll be there… will be bringing the pain.

Want to get some warmup games Friday?

Guess it's just me and Denied. Should be a quick championship then. ;)

Clearly as I shall win all the prizes and stand over the bodies of my fallen enemies victorious in the name of the Axis armies!

Denied said:

Clearly as I shall win all the prizes and stand over the bodies of my fallen enemies victorious in the name of the Axis armies!

We shall see, Jerry. We shall see. lengua.gif

So, who won? How'd it all go?

Julian McPherson won best overall. It was televised and you can watch it on line still.

How many for Warfare? I saw Tactics only had 5 players

Warfare had 8 people.

Was nice meeting you guys up there. It was fun (even getting beat by Louis… again) and I look forward to the next time.

I can't help but feel like the location might have had something to do with attendance. Minnesota isn't exactly a centrally accessible site. I know you would have had a few more players for Warfare if the venue was farther South.

Yeah I don't doubt that. I think for FFG it was all about proximity to their central production company.