Adeptus Symbols From the Core Book (Can be Used for Handouts)

By Wu Ming, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

Charax originally posted these at the old forums thought I'd repost here for those GMs that might like to use them.

ministorumvu0.png mechanicuseb6.png astronomicagu7.png astratelepathicaus3.png arbitesle9.png administratumtn1.png

Note: these look funky on this background (being transparent and all) but the actual images look fine.

Just Right Click Save as and they should work. Do NOT Copy them its saving the forum's BG and removing the transparency effect.. ???

Cool I will use them for my handouts! Thanks!

Your welcome, as said though Charax did all the work.

Is there an obvious secret to getting the images? When I just copy/paste them into Photoshop they are rather... grainy.


You're right, they have somehow become corupt!!! (How grim dark no?) The one's on my HD are .png and they work fine. The ones a just droped in from here: have somehow become all 'dark, dark'. Maybe its a code thing? Kage do you think you can get them from the original thread and link embed them here?

EDIT: Just Right Click Save as and they should work. Do NOT Copy them its saving the forums BG and removing the transparency effect.. ???

Well, it's not the method of saving. Even if you "Save As" you still get a very grainy image. On the other hand, if someone is artistically inclined, it shouldn't take too much time to use the image as the basis of a vector based version to use as a basis for some Photoshop magic. I've got a sneaking suspicion that I could do it, but if I had the time to do that then I would also have the time to get worlds up on Anargo ... sorpresa.gif


Thanks for the images. These are going to be invaluable when it comes time to make props for our 40K LARP this summer.

God some people are picky...

They're grainy because they're from a quick scan, and the process of isolating them from the background left them kind of blocky, I'm vectorizing hem now (The results aren't perfect, but if anyone wants to recreate every tiny detail on the pngs, they're welcome to edit the vectors and repost).

Should be able to post them in a few minutes.

Vector Images (.SVG format)

if anyone really, really wants them in EPS I can do that too. bear in mind these are from the DH book and so are supposed to look worn and imperfect, like an overused rubber stamp. I'm vaguely considering doing "clean" versions at some point, but it's not a priority.

Oh, and the Custodes pic came out much better as a vector than as a bitmap

Thanks Charax. I apreciate the work you've done, and like aethel's said in the past when commenting on the items keep in mind what you paid for them... gui%C3%B1o.gif

Well, Adobe Illustator CS3 opens the .SVG files just fine happy.gif