Hey everyone it's been a little while, been really busy.
I've recently started Gming an anima campaign, which I'm having fun with, although one of my PC's are unrepently horrible but that's a story for another thread. I was wondering about the appearance roll and what other Gm's do with it the first game I've played it didn't make any difference at all (besides my female NPC who was appearance 9 getting hit on by a stranger or two) I put it into mechanics to make appearance more useful making it give a bonus to persuade, leadership and style depending on stat (eg: appearence 10 will give a +15 to all three) leading to the lower rolls having minus effects to theses skills. I though it made the roll a bit more useful besides the roleplaying parts. Does anyone else do this? If someone has, it didn't break the game at all? Is it a good idea? Also any other ways appearance can add to the game?
Just wondering and thanks!