Specifics in game mechanics for handling Null-Pariahs

By Cobramax76, in Dark Heresy House Rules

Unless they have come out with a update for handling a Null-Pariah ( not a regular Null but one with the actual Pariah gene like the cullexis assasins have that actually causes physical issues for psykers and regular humans whenever they get in close contact ) Like some of the rules options say a Null can increase their power level ( effectively taking what would be a psy rating but instead is a Null rating of 1-6 ) indicating their level of potency for their field of effects etc…BUT…here is my question

What do you think of the idea of taking the abilities of Power Well and Discipline focus as granting some measure of effect to the effects of a pariahs disruption field of influence ( in essence making its effects harder to shrug off for psykers and mundanes as well as showing a actual effort by the Pariah to enhance their natural abilties ( much as their dimetric opposites psykers do to hone their natural talents ) And..if so…how would you work their benefits?

Power Well grants a +1 to manifest scores

Discipline focus grants a +2 to the field of focus on manifest scores

Both of those are for regular psykers..but how would you represent that same level of benefit to a Pariah? It only makes sense that a character put some XP/time and effort into honing their natural abilties…but there are ( to my knowledge ) no ways to do so aside from taking optional rules for nulls upping their null rating same as a psyker can with expenditure of XP..however…a true Pariah..has a more potent form of the null field and stronger effects as a standard…Thoughts anyone?

( reason is im looking to have an NPC go toe to toe with a unbound daemonhost..the NPC is to be a Pariah..im looking for ways to have the NPC be able to totally nullify the hosts psy abilties ( a unbound daemonhost has a psy rating of 8 but even with the regular optional rules…a null cant get higher than rank 6 null…soo…..if i allowed for the potential of a pariah using a version of power well and./or discipline focus then the NPC could achieve rank 8 and cancel out everything psy the daemonhost could try and pull….then close in for hand-hand and cause some real hurt…Daemonhosts can see the pariah as a black-hole like mass as their disruption field is such that it actually mimics a black holes suction of all things including light into it…in the form of psy energy with a pariah…the bane of a daemons existence if it closes completely and manages to destroy the host body…while in the immediate area of effect….stands to reason then that game mechanics/dynamics would lend to that daemons essence being utterly destroyed at the center of that well of darkness that is the pariahs psy killing field )

Radical's Handbook page 38

There's a whole background package for you.

Okay, probably should've read your question first in it's entirety. Now I feel like a ******.

Here's my question for you: How do pariahs actually go about enhancing their abilities? I mean, a psyker has to practice and use their abilities, so its sorta like a muscle or a skill. But a Pariah's ability is entirely passive.

Normally speaking correct a Nulls ability is passive in nature..however..those with the actual Pariah gene ( an artificial genetic manipulation occuring in 1 out of every several thousand nulls ( nulls are around one in a million but a true pariah is much stronger in their fields ) The cullexis assassins are an example of what a highly trained null/pariah can do..their field has been enhanced with the animus speculum so it is possible ( at least mechanically ) to boost the field..what im looking for is a method / talent to do the same thing as a psyker can…focusing his power to increase its ability the same way a psyker can gain higher ranks of psy ability ( psy ratings 1-6 ) FFG has left that particular woefully undone….I have actually considered using the psyker table as far as skills talents etc and progression..only replacing every psy rating talent with the equivalent Null rating instead..and once they reach rank 6 the "ascension" potential for the individual would be to learn how to fully awaken the Pariah gene and becoming an actual pariah then going through the pariah ranks as well..with increasing XP costs for such. Still a passive ability in essence..however a Pariahs ability field is strong enough to actually cause harm to psykers caught within it as well as mundanes..and basically ANY daemonic entity will try to avoid the area of influence since a pariahs field of influence can be seen by the warp creatures unlike a simple nulls invisibility to them..

Im just trying to get others take on the idea in general..there is an older post of mine about increasing the null ranks accordingly and the associated bonuses and penalties to things that might work as well…but would have to modify them for a Pariah progression chart.

If it's an NPC combating a Daemonhost, then why not just simply determine the NPC negates all the Daemonhost's psychic abilities and call it good? Are you looking to give PCs the same option later?

Cullexis assassin aren't trained pariah, they are highly trained asssassin with the pariah gift.

The "powers" they use when doing their job is enhanced by the technolocical helmet and apparatus they have, not because of their gift is stronger.

Pariah are missing something and as far as I am concerned they can not miss more.

But they can have access to technological wonders that ammplified their gift or should I said their lack of gift.

As to Alekzanters question. Yes in time.

As to Thebigjul there was a comment in one of the books about FFG putting out more detailed info for the Nulls and Pariahs. A null and pariah while similar are Different than eachother ( it is clearly stated in the book material that a null casts no shadow in the warp and is invisible to warp entities..A pariah IS visible to them as a sort of black hole like apparition as the Pariahs fully activated gene actively absorbs the warp energies ( soul essence if you will ) of all around it…hence its much greater unease feeling and apparent feel of "sucking the life out of everything around" Nulls have a latent passive form of the Pariah genome created by the Necrons for use in their war millenia ago to counter psyker specifically. And as with every class and specialization in the game the PC/NPC can spend xp to enhance their unique class, class-like abilities. Also in the books ( game material ) it was stated that nulls had varying degrees/levels of ability with their given "gift" which further implies their ability to enhance it with expenditure of XP. ( for refference i have the CB / IHB / RHB / Errrata v 1 + 3 / Disciples of the dark gods / Creatures Anathema / Blood of Martyrs )

Also to Thebigjuls comment of the cullexis..read what you put ****..lol…makes no sense at all. In order to BE selected for the Cullexis temple assassin training you MUST possess the Pariah gene. You are either born a pariah or your not..but your born first trained SECOND…Yes they have access to special tech that will enhance their abilities and add to their fearsome air substantially..everyone knows that.

Bottom line is to each their own

Cobramax76 said:

Also to Thebigjuls comment of the cullexis..read what you put ****..lol…makes no sense at all. In order to BE selected for the Cullexis temple assassin training you MUST possess the Pariah gene. You are either born a pariah or your not..but your born first trained SECOND…Yes they have access to special tech that will enhance their abilities and add to their fearsome air substantially..everyone knows that.

Bottom line is to each their own

I can't understand where is the flaw in my text as I say they are pariah and most of all highly trained Assassin.

Just if you can't read my sentence it is an other problem, look at it, "…highly traines assassin with the pariah gift ", not highly trained assassin who gain the pariah gene after.

For my mistake between null and pariah you are quite certainly rigght and the difference had not strike me. So I will agree with your source and knowledge.

So if Pariah can make their gift stronger maybe the psyker psy level cost can be applied with xp cost and rank.

The Navis Primaris contains a half-page sidebar regarding varying levels of Untouchables.

Thanks for the location of some of the info Alekzanter. Ill have to take a look at it when i get the book…but at least now i know where they put some more info on them… cafe

Maybe work the powers the same, but double the effect.

Like say you are using the modify Null Power Rating scheme. A PC with Null Rating 6 has -40 to psykers rolling (example), and if the PC gets Power Well this is an additional -2, and with Disciplime Focus it is an additional -4. I would think a Pariah would be able to get Null Rating 8 though, just because they are the very best at what they can do.

An interesting idea Nameless2all. Not entirely sure i understood the mechanics you had in mind for the power well/discipline focus and getting to Null rating 8 with them though??? rating 6 is the normal. Psykers can take power well more than one time ( but not sure just how to work that as far as game dynamics go…perhaps each null rating gives the usual penalty additional and for each time you take power well…you incur the extra penalties ( like fear ratings etc etc..on top of the usual issues for psykers ) and each time a discipline focus is taken…you could maybe progress a rank level ( giving the impression of the time and training spent to hone the skill level/rating that much better )

Something like the following:

Rating level Psyker penalty

_________ ____________

1 Base penatly listed in book ( Threshold requirements +10 for ALL psy abilities AND any associated tests have their difficulty increased by an additional -20 / x2dmg to warp unstable entities in effect area )

2 additional - 5 (Threshold req +15 / test difficulty increased by additional -5 (-25))

3 additional -5 (Threshold req +20 / test difficulty increased by additional -5 (-30))

4 additional -5 (Threshold req +25/ test difficulty increased by additional -5 (-35))

5 additional -5 (Threshold req +30 / test difficulty increased by additional -5 (-40))

6 additional -5 (Threshold req +35 / test difficulty increased by additional -5 (-45))

Power well optional addition might give the following

1 Fear rating 1 ( x3dmg to warp unstable entities in effect area )

2 Fear rating 2 (x4dmg to warp unstable entities in effect area )

3 Fear rating 3 (x5dmg to warp unstable entities in effect area )

4 Fear rating 4 (x6 dmg to warp unstable entities in effect area )

Discipline focus optional might give the following

1 Null rating +1

2 Null rating +1 ( total +2 )

3 Null rating +1 ( total +3 )

This would require ALOT of XP and time to aquire the maximum benefits of the unique ability ( the same as a regular psyker to become anything close to a master in his abilities ) since the availability of the power wells and discipline focuses would be at the same levels as the appropriate psykers of same name.
