Well, as the title implies, can you actually sustain a pushed power? I havent really seen anything specific about it, its all been general sustaining..
When we did it, some of the players found it a bit much so we ended up saying that we could but there would be a psychic phenomona roll each round with all the modifiers as I had on my first roll..
And while we are on the psychic powers subject, how high can a tzeentch psyker get his psy rating? i mean, are mark of tzeentch and warpsmith something that gets added in the moment you get them, meaning, if you already had raised you psy rating to 10, you could theoretically get 13, but if you get them early, you will only be able to get to 10…
I have searched for these answers here, but havent really found any real answer, . Has anyone sent any of these off as rule question to the powers that be?