Should be preparing to play and build with and against these cards (and agenda) for the 2012 Worlds? the tournament rules as written does not include these cards for legal play. do we expect that to change in a week or two?
Will the latest chapter pack be tournament legal for Worlds?
Since FFG prefaced their most recent FAQ and tournament update on October 11th with "In anticipation of next month's World Championship weekend…" I would be surprised if they made the final chapter pack legal. Also, Roll of the Dice is only spoiled right now, it hasn't hit stores and FFG hasn't updated their aGoT page saying that it is out. At the earliest, people will be able to get the pack sometime next week, which is usually shorter notice than tournament players would like. This doesn't mean that they will not do it with a 100% guarantee, but I would do your testing without the new cards in mind until further notice. I'm crossing my fingers that it isn't…..
It is a more than safe assumption that it will not be legal.