How Has Armor 3 Infantry Changed the Game?

By Kriegschatten, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

I played DT quite a bit when Operation Blue Thunder came out, but haven't played it much in probably 18 months.

I'm looking to get into the game again, and, while looking at the current unit lists, it seems like the heavy infantry makes a lot of the old infantry units obsolete, particularly for the anti-armor units.

I mean, I just don't see spending 27 points on Laser Grenadiers, 22 points on Tank Killers, or even 21 points on Battle Grenadiers when I can get Heavy Laser Grenadiers for 30 points. Nor would I probably spend 22 points on Bot Hunters or 20 points on the Gunners when the Tank Busters are 30.

But all that's just based on looking at their stats.

So, in actual play, what difference have the new infantry units made? Have you noticed them displacing the older units?

Initially when I got into the Armor 3 units, the old A2 units did fall a bit to the sidelines. But the more you play, the more you come to realize that there is certainly still a place for the old A2 squads. With their lower cost and greater health, squads like the Recons and Battle/Gunners are still a very viable option. With the 3-men A3 squads, you HAVE to attach them to a hero, otherwise you're at a very big risk of throwing 30AP down the drain. A single attack by any unit has a very good change of killing 3 soldiers, even with their heavier armor. The 5-men A2 squads have more staying power. They can lose 3 or 4 men, and still retain decent firepower with the special weapon soldiers.

That's not to say that the A3 squads aren't great, but it's usually not due to the fact of them being Armor 3. It's their greater firepower, speed or damage resilience that make them valuable. But Recon Boys are great cannon fodder, BBQ and Hellboys will never go out of fashion, specially with new heroes like the Priest and Chef, and the Gunners are still a great way to take down light walkers, and attaching Johnny One-Eye makes their UGLs a great anti-infantry resource.

Well i had the same feeling especially when we started playing games bigger than 250 points. But in small point games those inf 2 guys can still be usefull;)

Well, I would imagine SSU players would have something to say about whether Infantry 2 was still useful…

Yeach since they have no other available… If they had there would be no common sense in giving them so much Armor 2 squads…