Encounter Ideas for a Droid PC?

By EngageEight, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta


As a GM, looking to run some fairly simple encounters or maybe even a mini-prequel adventure for a droid PC. The character is fairly combat oriented (Hired Gun) with the Duty bound and Responsibility Obligations. Main goal here is to have a little fun and the secondary goal is learning the system…

Oh and by prequel i just mean prequel to the Krayt adventure in the back of the beta.

Any ideas?


Droid wakes up in a bath with his memory wiped. In the living room is a ritually slaughtered woman. He gets a phone call telling him to flee the scene before the cops arrive. What happened?

For that matter you could do The Bourne Identity . A damaged droid is either dredged up from the deep ocean or picked up by a salvage vessel in deep space. It plays a 'help me Obi-Wan Kenobi' style hologram giving details of a numbered account on the famed banking world of the Hutt clans, but when the droid reboots, it finds it can't access its memories. Etc. etc.

A "memory wipe" situation doesn't feel very Dutybound- or Responsibility-related. Where does the droid PC get his obligations from?

Would a desire to make amends for whatever foul deeds the droid committed before it's memories were wiped count?

Maybe you could do something with Robocop style 'directives' - make up a list of commands embedded in the droids programming, and try to have it live by them.

Or perhaps the droid has been tasked by its former owner to protect their immature offspring from the beings who killed said owner. So Lone Wolf and Cub, only with a droid and a twilek kid. Or for that matter, the Droid could have been sent back in time to protect the leader of the coming rebellion against the machines from other droids like it sent back in time by Skynet.

awayputurwpn said:

A "memory wipe" situation doesn't feel very Dutybound- or Responsibility-related. Where does the droid PC get his obligations from?

Hidden subroutines, Phantom logic co-processor, etc.

I think we need to be looking at the great Robots stories from literature, like Isaac Asimov's Robot series. And Bender from Futurama.

Like that time Bender got in to professional robot wrestling. Like in Real Steel . Only then they wanted him to do a face-heel turn and become The Gender Bender and start losing. Now, at this point we can mix in Pulp Fiction. Our Droid has too much pride to throw the fight. So he wins. And the mob organisers of the pit fights are not pleased, since they bet on him to lose. So he has to make a run for it. Only his counterpart R2 unit left the chronometer module his predecessor (a battle droid who fought for the Trade Federation in the Clone Wars) wanted him to have at their recharging station and he has to go back for it.

The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride ******* with you. **** pride. Pride only hurts, it never helps.

Or maybe you could do something with the upstairs/downstairs family/servant relationships seen in period dramas like The Remains of the Day , or probably Downton Abbey , if I watched it. In Remains of the Day , for instance, Jeremy Hopkins is so tied up with duty to his master that he is trapped, unable to express his feelings for Emma Thompson or point out to said master when he is making a terrible mistake.

Or there was a Lewis episode where the butler was killing people to cover up the… Indiscretions of his master. To protect the family. So you could have a protocol droid who takes it upon themselves to save their owners from scandal through murder.

If you wanted to be slightly more serious, then Droids could easily be a vector for examining slavery. I mean, these are thinking beings that even the good guys treat as property. They think nothing of taking a Droid to have its personality destroyed.