I ran a couple of forum searches and gleaned there is no central repository of planets or special locations for RT GMs.
Everyone probably has at least a couple of good ideas, right? I'm currently working on Death World Fortuna: a mix of Gold Rush California (culturally) and Louisiana (geographically). I will post it here when completed, but I am getting the ball rolling now.
I envision this topic as a quick reference for backdrops for encounters or even locations for minor endeavors. It should also be a way to leave the players with a sense that the galaxy is a much larger place than any one GM may create; over 200 billion stars in the galaxy! In order for characters to access these locations as backgrounds, as well, I suggest utilizing the 40k planetary classification system as outlined in RT Core Rules and Into the Storm, to wit:
- Agri World
- Cardinal World*
- Cemetery World
- Civilized World
- Crone World*
- Daemon World*
- Dead World
- Death World
- Feral World
- Feudal World
- Forbidden World
- Forge World
- Fortress World
- Frontier World
- Imperial World*
- Knight World*
- Maiden World*
- Mining World
- Penal World
- Pleasure World
- Research Station
- Shrine World*
- Special
- Tomb World*
- War World
*These aren't official planetary classifications, in RT, according to my research, or in some cases the rules considered them a sub-set of the designate of "Civilized World". Yet, they are found in abundance in other Warhammer 40k materials, and it would be handy to use them for quick reference.
In other words, a GM could come to the forums type "Gazetteer Depositorium" and / or "Forge World" into the site search engine and then may immediately reference this topic thread. So, when I have completed my planet, I will reply in this topic with "
Death World - Fortuna
" in the post's title.