Hi there, celebrating my very first post in this forum and community I would like to share a house roule a friend of mine and myself developed. The idea to this came after our last game session where I am the GM. One of our player characters, an Idoletrix Magos from Forge Polix with an Intelligence of 72 and an Int Bonus of 10, forged a daemon weapon.
Well, he forged it, with the help of two other player characters assisting him, a little too well. The Resulting Binding Strength of 8 was a little extreme. Our thought was, that an character without the high Int Bonus and sone supporting gear would have done better at the job, because with the same chance of succeding at the test, the binding strength would be considerable lower. The question we asked ourselves was, how could it be, that the character which obviously should be more proficient at this job is producing the worse results in forging the daemon weapon (defining worse as less attributes).
So we came up with the following new talent:
Daemonic Forge Master
Tier 2, Tzeentch
Forbidden Lore (Daemonology or Warp) +10
Intelligence 50
Tech Use +10 or Armourer +10
Needs to have already crafted an daemon weapon / machine
With a very hard (-30) Forbidden Lore (Daemonology or Warp) or a challenging (+0) Psynicience Test the character can decrease the binding strength by one point per DOS up to a maximum of his Intelligence Bonus. The character needs to declare the binding strength he wishes to achieve before making the test. If the test fails, the target binding strength is further reduced by one point for each DOF. If this results in an binding strength of 0 the weapon / machine is destroyed and the daemon stands there pretty angry at the players.
Feel free to comment on the talent.