So I'm curious what everyone thinks of Fantasy Flight games.
I've been itching to find a good game company to start re-building my game collection ( my ex was brutal on my retention of game systems ). My girlfriend is a collector / gamer herself, altho new to CCG's I got her hooked on the original Netrunner ( I still have like 13,000 cards ) and Magic. I'm a huge fan of most of the genres that FFG seems to carry, we both love boardgames as well, and I hope to get her addicted to RPG's as soon as I can.
So my question is really a couple questions…
- Have you purchased more than one game system from FFG?
- If you answered YES to #1, what are they?
- Are the games good quality materials? ( do they fall apart, fade, damage easily? )
- Are the games well made 'games?' ( do they require a lot of errata, are they usually broken right off the shelf, do the rules make sense? )
My collection currently consists of D&D 3rd Edition, 3.5, Pathfinder, and some D20; GURPS (tons), Magic (way too much), Pokemon (don't judge), and Netrunner. As well as a misc. box that has beta-cards for Star Wars, Sim City, Vampire, and a few others that's I've forgotten.
I really like what I see of Fantasy Flight Games, but I haven't seen any of their products up close 'except' for Netrunner. And I absolutely love it.
So… give me your opinions… please?