This is a shameless re-port and I apologize, but I fear it was lost in the Adversaries sticky post so nobody was seeing it. I am putting it here so I can have a subject line, and perhaps get more eyes on the issue/question at hand. Thank you for your indulgence.
The problem is, I'm a bit confused about minions who operate in groups. I ran a test combat in which I threw a couple of groups of stormtrooper minions against a party of PCs. I used miniatures on my table to represent positions and distances. For my two squads of stormies, I had three minions in each, moving around in formation at short range from each other so as not to be obvious grenade fodder.
One of the PCs ran up to one of theseminion stormtroopers, engaged it and then attacked it with a force pike. The resulting damage was sufficient to knock out two stormtrooper minions, but the PC was only engaged with one of them, and the other two were at short range. By rule, attacks against a group of minions target the entire group at once, but I wasn't sure how to handle it if the attacker was only engaged with one of the stormtroopers.
The rules seem to be written with the assumption that the PCs are making ranged attacks against the minion group, as there is no mention of how to handle melee attacks and engagements against groups of minions that are spread out.
What do you guys think?