Stars Wars Gaming Fansite, for all things FFG

By MilesD37, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

alittle over a month ago when X-Wing launched DrkJedi35 launched a fan-forums call "A Few Maneuvers" for the miniatures game. After some talks, him and I began planning to grow that forums into a fansite geared for X-Wing, the LCG, and the RPG's from FFG… is where the new site will be the main site is still under construction, i should have the miniatures site up this week, and the rpg section up the week after, and we'll launch a full LCG second upon it's launch.

If you visit the main domain, you'll be redirected in a few seconds to the new forums, or you can just go to directly, the old forums can be found at if you want to check that out too, people are still making their way over to the new forums.

So, make your over to the new forums and sign up, AFM is going to be a community driven site, and i need some RPG people there to help with that part- it's full for X-Wingers right now! hahaha

see you guys there!