By lostguardguy, in Dark Heresy House Rules

The Imperium of Man is truly a galaxy of guns. So many forges, foundries, manufactorums, and weapon smiths producing solid projectile fire arms, las, bolt, plasma, and melta weapons. With such an unbelievably large number of variants in hand held death they could never all be completely listed. And to represent this staggering variety the makers of the games give us a surprisingly small number of any of these weapons to bring to bare against the enemies of the God Emperor.

So it is up to the players to make there own. To explore the galaxy of gun with the good old pioneers spirit. There is no status qwoe jest imagination and a bag of bullet. It is time to look up at the GMs. To shout in a defiant voice to that being beyond the heavens that controls life's direction for you lowly guardsmen and say "Excuse me Mister/Miss GM could I pretty please requisition a AK47 ( Assault Kapella "47"/ or other name that makes some sense) its an Armageddon rifle with a "clip" of 30 and one more damage and pen but has ridicules recoil giving it a -10 BS unless braced and cuts the range by 20%."
As well as up to the GMs to keep an open mind and even if something sounds ridiculous to you don't out right say NO try to meet half way. Bring the idea down to Tara. If you cant bring it down to a sensible level at least you tried and remember you have ultimate veto power .
Inconclution as a community we need to represent this galaxy of guns, so please put guns of your personal design here. So we can expand the galaxy one autogun, las cannon ,and bolt pistol at a time.

An AK-47 would just be a regular autogun; the Armageddon-pattern is basically a Browning Automatic Rifle, which fires MUCH more powerful rounds than the AK.

Sorry for the double post, my last post was hastily typed in the morning and I can no longer edit/delete it (to my knowledge).

I have ideas for accessories, though; Speed loaders/speed strips/moon clips for revolvers, decreasing the reload time for revolvers by 1 Full action. 1 Throne for each, and when used, they can be refilled with fresh bullets and reused (which should ideally be done out of combat). For the uninformed: Speedloaders are circular devices that hold bullets in place to load a revolver's cylinder all at once, and once the gun is loaded, they are either tossed or put in your pocket. Speed strips are similar but they're a straight strip of rubber rather than a round device, and load cylinders two chambers at a time. Moon clips are circular metal rings that go into the cylinder along with the bullets, and are ejected along with the spent brass. Speedloaders could also be used to reload multi-barreled shotguns, as well, such as the Meat Hammer, but these are bigger and should be more expensive. Obviously, none of these devices can be used with revolvers that use loading gates; those have to be reloaded the hard way, one at a time.

Speedloaders make Revolvers reload faster while still keeping their Reliable quality; Stub automatics instead have higher rates of fire and greater magazine capacities to balance this out. Basically, they are to revolvers what Duplus magazines are to magazine-loaded firearms. For tube-loaded arms like pump-action shotguns, the closest thing I could think of would be a (very long) stripper clip made of metal or plastic, the rounds stacked end-to-end.

Also, if you ask me, ammo prices need to be changed, especially in regards to bolt shells and bullets. Autocannon rounds should not be 1 Throne for 20 shells.

The Balecaster Lever-Action Las-Lock

For those GMs looking for a weapon to equip your high-paid and highly skilled mercs with that the PCs cringe in cover from and won't necessarily find lying around just anywhere…

Balecaster is a feudal world located in the Markayn Marches. The las weaponry produced for the Balecaster regiments is reflective of the hunting lodges dotting the rural countryside and the sport shooting clubs of the elite. The Balecaster las-lock is a sturdy weapon, easily supporting the stresses of an added melee attachment. The Balecaster's "clip" is a length of insulated tube mounted underneath the barrel, each las cell "slug" ejected from/loaded into the breach by a smooth and reliable lever action. The tubes themselves can be "quick-loaded" with pre-filled card stock jackets, otherwise known as sleeves; the old sleeve is removed, and the new sleeve inserted into the insulated tube. Each las "slug" is it's own "Hot-Shot" cell; though not quite as potent as a standard Munitorum-issue Hot-Shot cell, the punch of the Balecaster's ammo more than makes up for its slow reload time and low rate of fire. A soldier in the Balecaster regiments will carry anywhere between 10-30 such pre-loaded sleeves in an ammo pouch that quite resembles a quiver. Each Balecaster is individually hand crafted for its user (imposing a -10 to BS Tests due to an "odd fit" in another's hands). The Balecaster is almost never found for sale on the open market.

The Balecaster's construction doesn't normally accommodate sight attachments/upgrades, but it can be customized to fit any number of sighting devices (Challenging Trade: Technomat Skill Test) though a shooter's personal accuracy is a matter of pride among the Balecaster regiments, and anyone seen with a sight-fitted Balecaster las-lock may find him or herself the target of open and vicious ridicule (-10 to Interaction Tests with any individual possessing the Common Lore: Imperial Guard Skill, -20 with Balecaster regimental veterans).

Balecaster Lever-Action Las-Lock (Common Quality)

Basic, Range: 90m, RoF: S/-/-, Damage: d10+4, Pen: 3, Clip: 10, Reload: 2 Full, Accurate, Reliable, Tearing
Availability: Very Rare, Cost: 1200-1400 Throne Gelt (black market only), Ammo Cost: 17 Throne Gelt/slug cell (black market only)

Balecaster regimental soldiers usually police their own spent cell casings when and if time permits. Additionally, each soldier carries a magneto-charger (Wt: 10 kg, Cost: 200 Throne Gelt) that can be used to recharge the slug cells (its specific design accommodates slug cells only and will not recharge other las cell clips), though it usually takes about 10-15 minutes of slow and measured cranking, and even then the cells (10 at a time) take upwards of an hour to recharge once the magneto has been primed. Some tech-inclined Balecaster regimental soldiers have been known to wire their magnetos to the battery of a ground car or Chimera, and could recharge their ammo supplies while on the road to redeployment.

So basically they take the rugged, simple lasgun, and basically make it into a more expensive and less efficient bolter? AND it doesn't accommodate attachments without extensive modification? Keep your expensive toy, I'll take a good old bolter or a hellgun instead. Those are weapons for real professionals. "Highly skilled mercs", my ass.

Anyway, enough vitriol. Here's a contribution.

Hax-Orthlack Micro-Autogun Pattern 5 (MAG-5)

The fifth model in Hax-Orthlack's series of lightweight automatic weapons, the Micro-Autogun Pattern 5, or MAG-5, is a compact submachine gun, essentially appearing as a cut-down rifle chambered for autopistol rounds. The MAG-5's low cost, collapsible stock, ease of use, and high rate of fire make it popular among local enforcers and insurrectionists alike. It has even made appearances in high-profile action holos and crime dramas, often featured as the hero blazes away with one in each hand. While Hax-Orthlack themselves discourage one-handed use, this hasn't stopped ill-informed or overconfident gangers from trying to manage the weapon's bulk and recoil single-handedly.

Basic, Range: 60m, RoF: S/3/10, Damage: 1d10+2 I, Pen 0, Mag 30*, Reload 1Full, Lightweight**, Weight 3kg, Availability: Common, Price: 80 Thrones

*In addition to standard 30-round magazines, the MAG-5 can also accept 16-round compact magazines for ease of concealment and 50-round drum magazines. With the 16-round compact magazine equipped, the MAG-5 imposes a -10 penalty to tests to detect the concealed weapon, and with the 50-round drum magazine equipped, the MAG-5 loses the Lightweight quality and gains the Unreliable quality. Magazines are 1 Throne each, and can be refilled once used up.

**Lightweight: The MAG-5's light construction and pistol grip allow it to be fired one-handed, albeit awkwardly. When used with two hands, the MAG-5 is a Basic weapon. When used one-handed, the MAG-5 counts as a Pistol, and thus can be fired in close combat, but the weapon's awkward balance when wielded this way imposes a -10 to Ballistic Skill tests unless the wielder is using a Recoil Glove or has a Strength Bonus of 4 or more. In addition, when wielded one-handed, the MAG-5's range is halved.

Kavan Munitions
Maker of weapons that make you go huh.

Kavan Munitions “Deathstalker” Pistol


The Deathstalker is an odd mix of the a revolver and a monoedge fighting blade. The gun not the most accurate, given no sights and no way to mount any. And when used as a fighting blade, the gun part unbalance it. Still it finds it way into the hands of people, including some naval hands. As a result of the naval service it was also designed to also use the fragmenting ammo at the cost 40 throne per 20 rounds and it is Rare, when loaded with this ammo gains Primative and Tearing traits.

Class: Pistol (Solid Projectile)
Range: 25m
ROF: S/--/--
Damage:1d10+2 I
Penetration: --
Clip: 6
Rld: Full
Special: Inaccurate
Weight: 3.75 kg
Price: 120
Availability: Rare
as a Fighting Blade
Class: Melee
Damage:1d5+1 R
Penetration: 2
Special: Mono, Unbalanced.

Kavan Munitions “Kracker” Shotgun Pistol

The Kracker is one of the scariest weapons ever put into a pistol form. It fires standard shotgun shells out of it short barrel and 8 shot revolving cylinder. If the shot from one of these doesn’t knockdown your target, the noise and muzzle flash still may drive them for cover. Yet this weapon’s ferocious recoil, and poorly weight unblanced design, means that you need a strength bonus of 4+ to fire one handed. Now there is the Kracker 2, that adds a forward pistol grip who stats are in quotes where they change.

Class: Pistol (Solid Projectile)
Range: 15m (8m)
ROF: S/--/--
Damage:1d10+3 I
Penetration: --
Clip: 8
Rld: 2 Full
Special: Inaccurate, Scatter (Scatter)
Weight: 3.75 kg (4.25kg)
Price: 70 (100)
Availability: Rare

Boss Gitsmasha said:

So basically…

…your contribution is worthless.

Alekzanter said:

Boss Gitsmasha said:

So basically…

…your contribution is worthless.

I didn't say your contribution was worthless. I'm saying that those Balecaster soldiers are idiots, spending all that money for a custom schizo-tech weapon instead of getting a superior weapon for less than half the price. If that thing was about a tenth of the cost it is now (and the ammunition was a little cheaper), it would be much more worthwhile.

Also, the Tearing is a bit much, if you ask me. As it is, it does as much damage as a Hellgun, with the added benefit of Accurate. Drop the price of cells to about 1 throne per cell. Those are my two cents. Yes, it's less powerful than it was, but it's also much more affordable and makes more sense for the Balecasters to equip their troops with.

They're still idiots for not using optics, though. Once a Heretic blows their buddies' heads off from half a kilometer away with a scoped long-las, maybe they'll change their tune. Or whine about hax and how they always do no-scopes with their l33t sk1llz and continue to get their tiny brains blown out.