Blazin' guns!

By Jegergryte, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

Right, I know someone here has done something similar and had a slightly different approach.

This document contains some conversions from the RCR A&E guide. As you see, these weapons have odd rules attached to them, some can probably be found in existing attachments to some degree or another - I don't have the book here just now. The description of the weapons are naturally not in this document, only my chop-job EotE verison of the stats - so this "questionnaire" does sort of entail that you have access to the Arms & Equipment Guide to understand what I'm trying to do. I'd like some feedback, educated guesses and the likeā€¦ feel free to comment and/or edit the doc, but please in some way show what changes you have done, but using coloured text or something.

So here's to hoping! I love you already!