Servant from out of time

By bricks16, in CoC General Discussion

Why would anyone use this card? i think its totally pointless.


bricks16 said:

Why would anyone use this card? i think its totally pointless.

Ask Magnus Arcanis, he used it 2 years ago in his champ deck…

yeah i saw that on carddb but i cant figure out how it is worth it. your losing a resource every time you use him.

bricks16 said:

yeah i saw that on carddb but i cant figure out how it is worth it. your losing a resource every time you use him.

It doesn't cost a domain, though, so you can use it for a 1-drop and still get him in play. His deck wanted a lot of cheap characters in play turn 1 with Seventy Steps, if I recall. Yeah, it could hurt the tempo if you're not careful. It probably isn't worth it any more with so much indirect destruction in the environment.

This forced response might be the reason to use him: you can resource good stuff early without worrying, and then late you get it into discard pile to use Yogs recycling. And if you need more characters early to defend/sacrifice slower domain buildup might not be that much of a problem… with current amount of pay1 characters it probably is not worth it, but going 0-1-2 could be viable. Maybe some MU Rush with new nerds? (Its 0 cost so you dont even need resource match and you get T icons MU lacks)

It does have its problem, but i think there are more useless cards, especially hi-cost nothing special cards.

Good point on moving things to discard where they're easier to retrieve.

Sometimes a terror character can be worth a lot. Or, later in the game if you're no longer resourcing and top-decking you may have spare resources pretty easily.

I've never used him myself, and I'm not sure he's really my style, but just saying he's not totally useless.

bricks16 said:

yeah i saw that on carddb but i cant figure out how it is worth it. your losing a resource every time you use him.

Late in the game, as mentioned, it provides you with a means to get access to a card you were forced to resource in the early game. As of now, there are probably better ways to do that, but at the time where there was only the corse set, the 'servant out of time' was about the only way to achieve that.

And there is this: resource Serpent from Yoth and then discard him with Servant to trigger his ability combo.

I'm still not 100% sure it works but i did ask Damon and he said "Only cards that were in play can have effects trigger and they can only interact with other cards in play, unless that effect specifically names an out of play area. In this case Serpent from Yoth states specifically (…)" when my question had Pawnbroker. I had many questions that time so maybe I misunderstood something or Damon though i ment something else, my questions ware really chaotic back then.

And even if it does Serpent is a really bad card, unless you can trigger him with discarding. He is the only card of that type I found with no "from play" in its text, so it might be intended.

.Zephyr. said:

And there is this: resource Serpent from Yoth and then discard him with Servant to trigger his ability combo.

I'm still not 100% sure it works but i did ask Damon and he said "Only cards that were in play can have effects trigger and they can only interact with other cards in play, unless that effect specifically names an out of play area. In this case Serpent from Yoth states specifically (…)" when my question had Pawnbroker. I had many questions that time so maybe I misunderstood something or Damon though i ment something else, my questions ware really chaotic back then.

And even if it does Serpent is a really bad card, unless you can trigger him with discarding. He is the only card of that type I found with no "from play" in its text, so it might be intended.

I was going to quote something about this part of the FAQ:

(1.12) Working Effects In general, Support and Character card effects can only be triggered (or affect the game) when the card is in play. Event cards can be triggered from a player’s hand using an action. However, card effects on non-event cards in a player’s hand or discard pile are not considered to be actionable unless the card specifically states that it can be triggered while in its out-of-play state.

Which would be confusing in relation to Serpent of Yoth because it specifically says an out-of-play state. And then I found this:

(1.15) Card States
If a card has an ability that triggers in response to said card entering the discard pile, that effect does not resolve or trigger if that card had blank text due to a card effect, was attached to a domain as a resource , or was insane before it entered the discard pile, unless that card specifically states otherwise.

Hope that helps.

The problem is i do know both fragments and Damons answer and they seem to contradict one another. I probably misunderstand one of those or it addresses a bit different situation. I tend to find FFG rulings in general lacking in clear, easy to understand structure department. Having this big a card pool only makes it worse, but i do like the game quite a bit so i'm slowly getting used to it. Its also the case that this particular card has a bit different wording than other similar ones.

I still don't see any ruling a clear official way. 1.15 says "unless that card specifically states otherwise" and with Damon answer I'm not sure he was referring to that case or my problem with responses on destroyed characters in general that started my question and didnt focus on serpent vs hand/domain by out of play meaning after its discarded from play.

(my mails were really chaotic, i would ask again but i really feel like i could keep asking pretty much constantly for some interactions i don't get; I ask questions on forum but answers from other players i usually find not that clear, with most games when you get answer its "oh, yeah, i missed that in rules" here i go "ok, but what if its a bit different, and why is it X not Y, is this official or is this how you understand it and no official confirmation was made" only Penfold seems to really know those rules IMO and I still find his explanations not that easy to see as the way this game works rather than personal opinion that might be wrong [but with Penfold Im slowly learning his 99% right so its almost like an official answer])

Officialy supported per card FAQ ftw. or even cardgame.db fan made but cared for version… why am i alone here… llorando.gif gui%C3%B1o.gif
(some ppl do post on cardgame.db but i still would like this project to get more traffic to help especially for new players and competitive ones who want to get everything right but don't have big enough CoC community around to clear rules for them)

Thanks for helping though.

.Zephyr. said:

And there is this: resource Serpent from Yoth and then discard him with Servant to trigger his ability combo.