Icebreaker clarification

By Pudsey, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

Hi everyone - just loving this game!

Me and my son have a different understanding of multiple Icebreakers.

Just as an example let's say the runner has a 4 strength Icebreaker that can break Sentry subroutines and 1 strength Icebreaker that can break barrier subroutines. The Corporation has some barrier Ice strength 4. My son would use the 4 strength Icebreaker to beat/equal the strength of the ice - then use his 1 strength Icebreaker to break the subroutines. (He wins alot!)

1) Is this how it should work?

2) Are all installed programs in the rig allowed to be used on different parts of each encounter?

3) Or should it be that the Icebreaker that matched the strength of the Ice is the only one that can break the subroutine?

4) Is there ever a situation where Icebreakers can have their strength added together to beat a piece of ice? (for example 2 copies of the same card or 2 cards that are of the same subtype)

Thanks in advance for any replies!

An Icebreak must ITSELF have the strength of the ICE it is meant to interact with (i.e. break the subroutines) in theory one could use multiple ICEbreakers on one piece of ICE but they all have to be of the strength the ICE is on. (Exception Subroutines that can be broken with clicks no ICEbreaker needed here. I guess you just sneak past this ICE.)

Pudsey said:

Hi everyone - just loving this game!

Me and my son have a different understanding of multiple Icebreakers.

Just as an example let's say the runner has a 4 strength Icebreaker that can break Sentry subroutines and 1 strength Icebreaker that can break barrier subroutines. The Corporation has some barrier Ice strength 4. My son would use the 4 strength Icebreaker to beat/equal the strength of the ice - then use his 1 strength Icebreaker to break the subroutines. (He wins alot!)

1) Is this how it should work?

2) Are all installed programs in the rig allowed to be used on different parts of each encounter?

3) Or should it be that the Icebreaker that matched the strength of the Ice is the only one that can break the subroutine?

4) Is there ever a situation where Icebreakers can have their strength added together to beat a piece of ice? (for example 2 copies of the same card or 2 cards that are of the same subtype)

Thanks in advance for any replies!

1) No, absolutely not. An Icebreaker's strength is its own. It may have a boosting function to let it increase that strength. That is the strength that is needed to match the ICE's strength in order to use any non-boosting function of the icebreaker (such as 'break SENTRY subroutine').

2) Yes, you can use your barrier breaker on barrier ice, your netshield to handle the first piece of net damage given to you by a Data Mine, your codegate breaker on the codegate ICE, etc, etc, etc. If it's in your rig, it is available for use during the Run.

3) See (1) above

4) Icebreakers do not ADD, but you can use the functions of different icebreakers in concert. An example would be using Wyrm to boost itself to 5, then lower the strength of Tollbooth to 3 to allow Yog.0 to break the subroutine.

Ignore this post, it was posted in error.