By 3...2...1...Marmoset, in UFS Off Topic

Do you like... Waffles?

3...2...1...Marmoset said:

Do you like... Waffles?


I prefer waffles over pancakes, although I like them both. Waffles are purposefully designed to hold the perfect amount of syrup in each compartment, while pancakes drool your precious syrup to the sides and force you to apply more syrup.

Pancakes, on the other hand, do not require special equipment to make. Taste-wise, a waffle has a more consistent texture, arguably due to the change in recipe needed for the waffles to hold their shape. I, myself, am a fan of crispy, buttery pancake edges. These do not occur in waffle-making. So it is entirely a thing of preference at the moment: spongy, consistent, delicious waffle or chewy, fluffy, also-delicious pancakes.

Do you like... French Toast?

Makingsenseofus said:

Do you like... French Toast?


3...2...1...Marmoset said:

Do you like... Waffles?

Yes. especially the kind with blue berries.

I like any food designed to apply syrup to, however I prefer Pancakes and French Toast, waffles are okay.

French toast is special in its own right, particularly because the usually soft consistency of the bread is enhanced by the usually gelatinous consistency of egg batter, bringing forth a new taste sensation. Chewy like pancakes, consistency of bread. Delicious either way.

I see you are a man who likes his French Toast... thank the gods society is beyond the "Freedom" Toast crap. I'd go to order French Toast at the local IHop and they'd ask me if I wanted Freedom toast... wanted to drown them in multi flavored syrup.

French Toast FTW!!!!

Maple syrup or bust.

I believe this is long overdue