Where to buy a good table for Minis/War gaming??

By th3_greench, in Dust Warfare

Hey guys, probably a simple question, but I don't even know where to start to get a good gaming table. Preferably a rectangle or large round table, dimensions (on rectangle) anywhere from 48 x 90 ish or larger. Thanks! Playing DUST Warfare if it means anything, and many others soon after!

I took two old kitchen cabinets and bought a good thick piece pf plywood put the cabinets back to back and attached the ply on top. Now when Im done playing the figs go under the table in the cupboards.

Here is a similar thread with some other suggestions.

Where to purchase?

Any big box home goods or office supply store should have them. Wal-Mart, Target, Sam's Club, Costco, Staples, Office Depot, Big Lots, Ollie's etc.