Maybe Dwarfs are viable…

By sammann11, in Warhammer Invasion Deck Building

I built this deck:

It has 6 Grudgeborn Fury and 4 Reclaiming the Fallen tactics in it. Only 9 supports, but a lot of units. I used only the 4 proudcts I own, with the addition of assuming I would buy a duplicate of The Silent Forge and Fiery Dawn battle packs.

The goal is to put more units - rather than supports - into play than one normally would in the Kingdom and Quest zones, using them to up your resource intake and card draw. Then, use Grudgeborn Fury and/or Reclaiming the Fallen to end the game in 2 massive attacks.

I have zero tournament play experience, but was wondering what some of you more "seasoned veterans" think of this deck.


Well, I for one think that the rules quite clearly state you may not have more than three copies of any one card in a deck.

Mallumo,how right you are (as per usual)!

See, that;s why us newbies, or my dumb@$$ anyways,benefits so greatly from input on these forums!

Guess I'll revisit that!

Let me have a shot at redemption ;)

I'll tweak that deck tonight and you can tell me what you think.

Thanks, man. Sorry for the mix up. Being new, I get too easily caught up in all the details, many times blanking on the rules that should be obvious (as in this case)!

Alright, overall same philosophy as stated above.

I'm curious, what are the strength and weaknesses in this deck?


I'm assuming you don't have all expansions . In any case, it strikes me as a little bit costly. You have (at least for my liking) a low amount of cheap cards in there to get your deck started. If you draw badly and begin play with only one of your cheap cards and your opponent wrecks that… your doomed.

I count only 14 cards that you can play in round one that make sense in kingdom- or questzone AND have at least a power of 1.

If your building a deck around "reclaiming the fallen" there are many cards that would do better. The trick with such a deck is to be able to kill your own units (preferably with some effect that annoys your opponent) to get a terrifying amount of units into your graveyard.

I would also advice to go for a specific goal with a deck. Center it around something. If your going for developments for example (with cards like Dwarf Masons) you could do much more. And include "Innovation" to speed things up.

Don't overestimate the "toughness" ability. It was nice a while ago, but nowadays it's not worth that much. Too many cards kill your units instantly, send them back to your hand, reduce their hit points, move them to another zone etc. Against all of those effects "toughness" is (sadly) worthless. Only against an elven indirect damage deck does toughness truly shine… unless the elves include "white tower aspirant" that is.


Thanks for the feedback. No, I do not own all the expansion - not even close. Sadly, I do not have the money to sink into this game that I'd like.

You bring up a good point with the cost. I read a really good article on about having enough FTC (first turn cards) in your deck, those cards whose cost combined with loyalty is 3 or less. I try to have around half my deck as FTC, sometimes a little less.

Is there ever a "total cost gauge" people try to follow when building a deck? Like, the total cost of your deck should be, say… 110 or whatever? Just curious.

I actually like this dwarf deck better:

Not that its going to win me any tournaments or anything, but I've had good luck with it during game nights.

A "total cost gauge" doesn't make much sense in my mind. You want to have enough cheap cards to be able to play something if the opponent "controls" your first card away. Apart from that it very much depends on the deck. Rush decks usually play a great amount of cheap stuff, other decks… not so much. There are quite a few decks where it makes sense to have a bunch of really expensive units.