The only rule I have is
I only trade in the US
unless your name is
Target X
. Please PM with trades.
My Refs:
My Haves
New King of Fighters 2006 Set
1x The King of Fighters 2006
1x Inner Circle
4x Military Discipline
2x Ookie
4x Preparedness
1x Mark of the Wolf
1x Tae Kwon Do Strike
1x Punish the Weak
2x Swallow Slam
1x Hallowed Slug of the Heavenly Conqueror
3x Dynamite Drop
3x Jivatma.
4x Yuri.
2x Chae.
2x Leona..
2x Alba...
1x Fio.
1x Mignon.
1x Hanzo...
2x Terry...
2x Soiree.
1x Maxima.
New Flash of Blades Set
4x Blazing Soul Battery
1x Ankou
1x Orichalcum
1x Gates of Hell
1x Mezentius Style Sand Bomb
1x Tabarzin
2x Strangulation Blade
1x Mirror Fan Strikes
3x Feral Shield Rush
1x Vermillion Moon
1x Mitsurugi.......
1x Seong Mi-Na...
2x Zasalamel....
2x Sophitia....
2x Rapheal....
3x Lizardman....
1x Kilik....
Darkstalker Cards
4x Great Gerdenheim
4x Lord of the Makai
(Offer Well)
4x Ultimate Undead
4x Darkstalkers
3x Deadly Swarm
2x Looks That Kill
3x Soul Hive
3x ES Super Whirlwind Kick
2x Demon Blast
3x Igyo Tenshin no Jutsu
3x Soul Absorption
3x Demon Cradle
3x Caught up in the moment
1x Preventing the Curse
4x Genocide
1x Hellcat
4x Rolling Buckler
4x +B
2x Final Performance
Soul Calibur
4x Chester's Backing
3x Strife's Patronage
3x Greed's Influence
4x Hwang's Protection
3x Luna's Encouragement
2x Giradots leadership
4x Lynette's Shop
5x Olcadan's Mentoring
4x Amy's Assistance
4x Revenent's Calling
4x Bird of Prey
4x Heisheng Jian
4x Lost Cathedral Ruin
4x Romanian Valley
4x Canary Waltz C Minor
4x Irresistible Force
2x Temporal Ascension
2x Guillotine
4x Demon Hunting
4x Fatal Gravity
2x Yoshimitsu
4x Turning Suicide
2x Majin Ninjitsu
4x Jute Burial
4x Silent Step
King of Fighters & Samurai Showdown
4x Ayame's Scarf
4x Blood Runs True
(Offer Very Well)
4x Unrequited Love
4x Rejection
4x Assassination Arts
4x Gorgeous Team
4x Final Confrontation
4x Cutting Edge
4x Superiority
4x New Information
4x Disdain
1x Taking them down a level
4x Bringing the Master to his Knees
3x Fortune and Glory
2x Power Stabilization Gloves
2x Lollipop
4x Eminence
2x The Unbeatable
1x Henge Hange Zange
4x Drifting Moon
4x Ukyo's Short Slash Attack
4x Freezing Execution
4x Ice Coffin
4x Reverse Flayer
5x Crimson Starload
4x Come to the Aid
Street Fighter
4x Chain Throw
4x Kasumi-Suzaku
1x Mysterious Stance
1x Through the Defenses
4x Kuzuryu Reppa
4x Tiger Fury
2x Blinding Rage
4x Seclusion
2x Rush Down
3x Power Bomb
4x Psycho Drive
4x Fight for the Future
2x Yoroi-Doshi
1x Shoryu Cannon
4x Dan's Dragon Punch
1x Psycho Cannon
2x Taking in Students
2x Final Destruction
2x Wild Fang
4x Yoga Legend
4x Hozanto
1x Nefarious Plans
3x Dan's Taunt
3x Death Cross Dancing
3x Ancient Battle Ground
4x Field of Storms
2x Ancient Training Grounds
2x Sacred Temple
1x Magic Shop
2x Cage Arena
2x Spinning Back Fist
4x Somersault Skull Diver
3x Psycho Break Smasher
3x Ryu's Shin Shoryuken
4x Senkyutai
3x Yoga Adept
2x Queen of Victory
1x Lead a simple life
4x Grappling for Glory
3x Control the Present
3x Fortune Teller
2x One-Armed Manuevers
4x Combat Boots
5x Fatigues
4x Spin Drive Smasher
4x Sakura's Shinku Hadoken
4x Manacles
1x Resurrection
1x Shadaloo Doll Attack
1x Shadaloo Dolls
1x Tiger Wave
1x Superhuman Strength
2x N.Y. Subway Station
1x Shitenshu
3x Bad Spray
2x Hyper Fist
2x Piling it on
1x Ibuki's Kunai
1x Ken's Hadoken Extra
4x Raida
5x Super Soul Catch
4x Sonic Break
3x Double Typhoon
3x The Fight is Never Over
2x M.I.A.
4x Investigations
4x Charlie's Knee Bazooka
3x Sonic Blitz
4x Ryu's Hadoken Extra
4x Kongoko-Kuretsuzan
Promo Characters
1x Alex...
1x Arthur.
1x Anakaris.
1x Astaroth...
1x Abyss...
3x Akuma...
1x Balrog.... New
2x Basara.
1x B. Jenet.
2x B.B. Hood..
1x Bishamon.. New
1x Billy.
3x M. Bison
1x Casandra...
1x Cervantes...
1x Cammy...
3x Chun-Li...
2x Dan.
1x Fei Long...
1x Felica.. New
2x Guy.. New
2x Gill.
3x Geki.
1x Greed.
1x Hsien-Ko.
1x Huitzil.
1x Haohmaru..
1x Ibuki...
1x Iori..
1x Jubei.
1x Jedah.
2x Ken ...
2x K'.
1x Kyo..
1x Kyoshiro.
3x Lien..
2x Lizardman...
1x Leona.
1x Lord Raptor..
1x Morrigan..
2x Mai..
1x Mai.......
2x Miser.
1x Mr. Karate.
1x Nakoruru..
1x Nagase.
2x Nicholas the Saint
1x Night Terror. New
1x Q-Bee..
1x Rose...
1x Rikuo..
1x Rolento. New
1x Rera.
1x Sasquatch..
1x Sophitia...
1x Sagat...
1x Sankuro..
1x Tam Tam.. New
2x Terry..
1x Ukyo..
1x Vega.... New
1x Voldo...
2x Xianghua...
1x Yoshimitsu...
2x Yun-Seong...
1x Yun.
1x Yang.
4x Yoshitora..
2x Zangief...
1x Zangief.... New
1x Zei-Mei. New
4x Seals of Cessation
Shadow War
4x Bleeding Internally
4x Broken Leg
Fire Patch
Order Patch
All Patch
Death Patch
Life Patch
Earth Patch
Other Things I Have
The new Dragonball CCG
VS system
Heroclix- New Arkum Asylum set
Comic Books from the last 3 years.
My Wants
4x Defender (High Want)
4x Feline Spike (High Want)
4x Yuri's Super Upper (High Want)
1x Promo Rock Howard (High Want)
4x Ira-Spinta (High Want)
4x Darkness Blade (Med Want)
4x Collecting Data (Med Want)
4x Realm of Midnight (Med Want)
3x The King of Fighters 2006 (Med Want)
4x Moonbeam Slicer (Med Want)
2x Ookie (Low Want)
4x White Gi (Low Want)
3x Mysterious Stance (Low Want)
Thank You for Looking!!!
SuperAndroid17's Trades
My list has been updated!!!