yep. well. i think that's the nail in the coffin. and after all that.
just recieved a scan of the new seekers of knowledge, and cannot be bothered reworking all my decks to cater for it without any new toys to do it with, and im not interested in making any miskatonic decks. my prediction though after a brief look is that 'devil's hop yard' is gonna see some more action.
still, it hasnt been a total waste of 6 months. ive designed my own card game in the process, so will switch attention to finishing that off and beginning the playtesting period, and getting back to uni. ill see if by next tournament season whether i could be arsed catching up and defending the title.
ill pop back a few more times to see if theres any responses that need answering, but if not then carry on and enjoy people !!
also i checked my COC email address for the first time in a couple of months and found this little beauty:
Hello, Mr. EDIT: Rhubarb Montgomery,
I'm writing to you because I've received a number of complaints about your comments in the FFG forums. I've reviewed the threads, and while I'm not deleting or editing remarks at this time, I am asking you to alter the tone of your responses to others. The latest complaint I received was about the following remark:
"are you on drugs ?? ( or perhaps its that mind eater sucking out any rational thoughts from your brain )." EDIT: hey, the guys got a picture of the mind eater card as his avatar and this was meant as a joke.
This is simply rude and will not be tolerated. Please consider this a warning. If you do not refrain from the derogatory comments in your remarks about decks and deck-building, I will be forced to edit and/or delete your posts and potentially your account. I know you've been an active forum user and have contributed much to the discussions, so I would prefer if you could simply moderate your own approach to the communication. Thank you.
JoshFFG Forum Moderator
looks like some people have been crying to mummy !! haha. it made me laugh though so thanks.