So after I picked up Freefall and Loved It, I started looking to get Golem and Strange Flesh. Golem's currently on its way to my local Barnes and Nobel to pick up, but Strange Flesh…
So I looked up Strange Flesh on B&N.Com a week ago, and it said it would be released in Paperback this Tuesday. Sweet.
Tuesday comes, I look it up, and the paperback isn't even in their system anymore - only the Nook version. Wha? So I head over to Barnes and Noble, wondering if it's a computer error or something. No trace of it in the store… and when I had the information desk look it up, both of them are utterly befuddled as it seems to have disappeared!
Is Strange Flesh going to get a wider release to these stores like Golem and Freefall did? Or is my only hope of buying the book ordering it online?
And on that note, if I get an E-Reader version of the book, will it still have a mail-away for the game card?