Help with summoning stuff

By Treehorn, in Chaos in the Old World

Could someone clear something up for me?

Let's say Tzeentch has cultists in Norscia and in the Border Princess.

Any new pieces he wants to summon have to go in those areas or those adjacent to them. But what about the pieces that already exist on the map? Is he able to resummon them in areas on the opposite side of the board? Can he even take warpstonemarkers with them, given he has the cultist upgrade? Or are those already active pieces bound to the "adjacent areas only"-rule?

I find the rules a wee bit shady on this matter.

Many thanks in advance


Any figure (placed from on-board or off-board) is subject to the "legal board region" definition. So, yes they can only move to adjacent areas or areas that already contain figures. If the the area you want to move to across the board has one or more of your figures already or is adjacent to a region that has one or more then on-board figures can be summoned across the board.