Is it possible to remove characters (not heroes) from the game by moving a minion onto the space the character occupies? I thought I read that in another forum, but I haven't found it in the rules.
Thanks, in advance.
Is it possible to remove characters (not heroes) from the game by moving a minion onto the space the character occupies? I thought I read that in another forum, but I haven't found it in the rules.
Thanks, in advance.
Sorry for not replying sooner, this forum wasn't showing a new post tag. Any way, no, normally moving a minion or monster to a character's location doesn't remove any character(s) there. Sauron does have a Yellow Plot that requires a minion (or monster IIRC) at a location with a character and when played removes all characters (and favor IIRC) from that location, making it a very nice Plot.