Random means other player chooses from your hand as you hold it out?

By USP45, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

I swear someone was talking about this in another thread but search didn't find it. (I wonder if the forum search here only searches the parent forum and not sub-forums.)

When something has to happen randomly do y'all just hold out your hand and let the opposing player pick one?

That's easiest but I know a player who likes to put down his cards face down and choose one himself (but only after they got shuffled by someone else). (Might have something to do with my bad Karma, I don't know.)

You could also roll an appropriately sized die to select a card. There's no method specified for how to choose a card randomly, so any method is permitted as long as it is, in fact, random.

It goes without saying (at least, I fervently hope so) that said method needs to make each card equally likely to be chosen.

I've also wondered about the protocols of accessing HQ, specifically how much information the Corp player has about the card(s) being accessed. If we go with the conventional way to do it, the Corp player holds his hand up, fans them out, and the Runner chooses one, looks at it, and does what needs to be done (steals, trashes, returns) with that card. Obviously, the Corp player will know what card is being accessed.

Alternatively, it could be done in such a way that the Corp doesn't know. For example, the cards in HQ are randomized, put on the table, and the Runner accesses a card. If he doesn't steal it or choose to trash it, the card goes back, and the Corp player doesn't necessarily know what information the Runner has about his hand.

As far as I can tell, the rules don't specify that the Corp should be in the dark about what's getting accessed, which they obviously are if it was a run on R&D instead. Given that the Corp can have knowledge of everything in the game, other than their opponent's hand and both player's decks, there's probably no reason to restrict their knowledge of what is accessed in an HQ run, but it obviously could make a difference.

alpha5099 said:

As far as I can tell, the rules don't specify that the Corp should be in the dark about what's getting accessed, which they obviously are if it was a run on R&D instead. Given that the Corp can have knowledge of everything in the game, other than their opponent's hand and both player's decks, there's probably no reason to restrict their knowledge of what is accessed in an HQ run, but it obviously could make a difference.

As far as I can tell there is only two possibilities that the corp doesn't know anyway and that is if the card wasn't trashed/stolen (because the runner could't or didn't want to trash it). With just one card in hand the corp knows obviously what was accessed. With two or more cards in hand the runner still doesn't know what the rest of the cards is. So he knows that there is a nasty piece of ICE but not whether this one ist the next to be installed for example.

What I mean is that it makes just marginal difference so I'll continue letting the runner draw.

alpha5099 said:

As far as I can tell, the rules don't specify that the Corp should be in the dark about what's getting accessed, which they obviously are if it was a run on R&D instead. Given that the Corp can have knowledge of everything in the game, other than their opponent's hand and both player's decks, there's probably no reason to restrict their knowledge of what is accessed in an HQ run, but it obviously could make a difference.

Although I can't find it spelled out in the rules, most games of this nature have a rule that the Player may look at his hand at any time. So, you could always look at your hand while the runner is looking at the drawn card.

The Haunted Game Cafe said:

Although I can't find it spelled out in the rules, most games of this nature have a rule that the Player may look at his hand at any time. So, you could always look at your hand while the runner is looking at the drawn card.

Corp knows which card Runner accessed from HQ. Otherwise Corp wouldn't be able to activate Snare from HQ because Runner have to show it only when accessing from R&D. Anyway I don't think this situation is covered in rules but this is how things worked in original Netrunner also (well accsessing had little different game mechanism).

USP45 said:

When something has to happen randomly do y'all just hold out your hand and let the opposing player pick one?

Most players organize their hands, sorting by card type, or order they want to play them in, or even just putting new cards into one end and thus older cards accumulating at the other end. Always shuffle the hand or use a die when looking at a "random card" in somebody's hand.