Medium question

By Suka044, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

If you have 2 medium virus cards both with 3 virus counters if you make a successful run on r&d do they both stack and access 5 cards?

I'd say so but as I just learned it looks as if only one ICE in R&D disrupts the access. (As it can't normally be trashed you will go one accessing the same card):

Quote from CardgameDB (Darksbane, my highlighting):

"You access each card one at a time and fully resolve it before accessing the next one.

Accessing Multiple Cards
When accessing multiple cards, the Runner accesses them one
at a time in any order he likes. For example, the Runner may
access a card from HQ, then an upgrade installed in the root of
HQ, and then another card from HQ, if he has the ability to
do so.

When accessing multiple cards from R&D, the Runner must
draw them in order from the top of the deck, and must return
any cards not scored or trashed in reverse order, so as to
preserve their positions in R&D.

The Runner must fully resolve his access to a card (steal it, pay
to trash it, etc.) before accessing the next card
. If the Runner
scores an agenda that gives him seven or more points, he
immediately wins the game, even if he would otherwise access
more cards.

( )

Yes you would access 5 cards.

When you access multiple cards from R&D you don't just access the same card over and over if it can't be trashed. You access the number of cards you are allowed in order and put them back in that order. By fully resolve they mean if it's an agenda you add it to your agenda pile before accessing the next card or pay to trash a card and trash it before accessing the next card. They don't mean put it back on the pile and then access it again.

Malgamus said:

Yes you would access 5 cards.

When you access multiple cards from R&D you don't just access the same card over and over if it can't be trashed. You access the number of cards you are allowed in order and put them back in that order. By fully resolve they mean if it's an agenda you add it to your agenda pile before accessing the next card or pay to trash a card and trash it before accessing the next card. They don't mean put it back on the pile and then access it again.

You're probably right, otherwise the 'putting them back in reversed order' part wouldn't make sense.

But I think that process might be worth an official clarification in an FAQ version to come.

I disagree - I think the rulebook is perfectly clear. Access one card, decide what you want to do with it, then access the next.

Official clarification is only necessary when the rulebook is not clear.

The problem I see is in the process of 'deciding what to do' with it:

1. Agendas: decide to steal (no problem)

2. Assets/Upgrades: a) trash it paying the cost (no problem) b) decide not to pay the costs (MY PROBLEM: doesn't it then go back to R&D according to the rules)

3. Operations/ICE: not trashable (MY PROBLEM AGAIN: doesn't it go directly back to R&D)

I think the rules are not absolutely CLEAR about this, unless I missed something. Only the notion that you have to put the cards back IN REVERSE ORDER implicates that you actually have more cards on hand to look at thus indirectly solving my problem.

I'm not the type for shouting the CAPITALIZATION was just used to make my point clear. gui%C3%B1o.gif

Obviously I missed something:

page 18

Concluding the Run - AFTER THE RUNNER HAS ACCESSED ALL REQUIRED CARDS, he returns any cards not stolen or trashed to their original play states.

Just had to read a bit further. Shame on me. sonrojado.gif

Radiskull is correct.

However the original question was regarding having multiple copies of medium in play. Do they stack and resolve as one single effect, 5 cards in this case, or does each one resolve on its own, meaning draw 3 cards from the first medium , resolve it fully, then draw three cards from the second medium, and then resolve that one fully . Or will only one of the copies of medium take effect and the other be ignored. I don't have the rules in front of me to check but I think this is a good question to get answered.

You can even use two icebreakers to attack one piece of ICE why shouldn't you be able to use two virus programs at the same time?

Although the corp should consider spending three clicks to purge the counters. That's what my opponent did when I had six tokens on one medium.

You would use both mediums at the same time.

Yeah, Medium's effect is passive, i.e., its ability is active any time you access R&D, so both Mediums (media?) will be active. I know the OP noticed this already, but you would access 5 cards, not 6. (One medium with 6 tokens: 6 cards. Two Mediums with 3 tokens each: 5 cards.)

Ser Folly said:

Obviously I missed something:

page 18

Concluding the Run - AFTER THE RUNNER HAS ACCESSED ALL REQUIRED CARDS, he returns any cards not stolen or trashed to their original play states.

Just had to read a bit further. Shame on me. sonrojado.gif

Ser Folly can you explain please? I don't see how this helps as isn't it still that you have to access each card individually and resolve it? Or does your quote above mean you access all cards first, then resolve?

Mejis said:

Ser Folly said:

Obviously I missed something:

page 18

Concluding the Run - AFTER THE RUNNER HAS ACCESSED ALL REQUIRED CARDS, he returns any cards not stolen or trashed to their original play states.

Just had to read a bit further. Shame on me. sonrojado.gif

Ser Folly can you explain please? I don't see how this helps as isn't it still that you have to access each card individually and resolve it? Or does your quote above mean you access all cards first, then resolve?

Not quite sure whether I got your question right, so I answer anything that I read into it.

Yes you're right one at a time, but my problem was what it means to resolve a card, i. e. is it part putting an unstealable/untrashable card back actually part of resolving the access. As I understand it now it isn't otherwise the rules paragraph quoted by me wouldn't make any sense.

To sum up, as I see it, it works like that:

Say you may access 3 cards from R&D due to a card effect (e. g. Medium), you do the following.

1. Draw the first card: steal it (agenda) or trash it paying the cost (upgrade/asset) or put it in front of you face down (ICE/operation/agenda you don't want to steal due to any reason see below/card you cannot afford or do not wish to trash)

2. Draw the second card and proceed like in 1. putting cards you don't either steal or trash on top of the card that might lie before you from 1.

3. Draw the last card and again proceed like in 1. and 2.

Finally put the uppermost card placed in front of you during 1.-3. back on R&D, then the next one and finally if necessary the last one.

This way all cards get returned in the order they had prior to accessing them.

It's crucial to have a look at one card AFTER the other due to various reasons I can think of:

a) you might not have enough cred to trash all cards you access and if you spent your cred on the first card you might end up with too few credits left to trash the third card which might be more dangerous to you.

b) you run against Jinteki and decide not to steal the score 2 agenda you just accessed because you have no cards in your grip and need 3 more agenda points to win (Jinteki's identity ability would flatline you in this case). If you then draw a second two point agenda you might feel very, very sorry. Or would the Jinteki ability kick in before you access the next card. On second thought I would say it does making my b) example obsolete. What do you think about that?

In both cases things would have been a lot easier IF YOU ACCESSED all cards simultaneosly (which you MAY NOT do).

Many thanks Ser Folly, that makes complete sense to me now :)

I hadn't realised that if you didn't want to trash/steal then you put the card down facedown in front of you and then proceeded to the next card. This makes sense so thanks for the info.

Also, I agree with you with respect to b) and that the identity card would take affect as part of that card resolving.

Ser Folly said:

b) you run against Jinteki and decide not to steal the score 2 agenda you just accessed because you have no cards in your grip and need 3 more agenda points to win (Jinteki's identity ability would flatline you in this case). If you then draw a second two point agenda you might feel very, very sorry. Or would the Jinteki ability kick in before you access the next card. On second thought I would say it does making my b) example obsolete. What do you think about that?

In both cases things would have been a lot easier IF YOU ACCESSED all cards simultaneosly (which you MAY NOT do).

Stealing Agendas (pg. 18)
If the Runner accesses an agenda, he steals it and places it faceup in his score area, resolving any conditional abilities on the agenda that use the language “When you steal.” While an agenda is in the Runner’s score area, it adds its agenda points to his score. The Runner cannot decline to steal agendas he accesses.

If the Runner accesses an Agenda during a run, he must score it. He does not have the option of not scoring it. So in your example above, the Runner would flatline as soon as they accessed the 2 point agenda. No other cards would be accessed because the loss is immediate. This would be different if the 2 point agenda was enough to win the game, in which case the Runner would win before Jinteki's ability took effect.

So if I have no cards in hand and had 5 agenda point aalready

I make a successful run and steal a 2 point jinteki agenda would I win when I score

the points before jinteki ability activates?

From the FAQ:

If the Runner steals an agenda from Jinteki using the core set identity, but has no cards in hand, who wins?
The Runner wins the game. Whenever a player has 7 or more agenda points in his score area, the game immediately ends. The game ending takes precedence over any conditional ability that triggers when an agenda is stolen.

Also the rulebook says the game ends IMMEDIATELY as soon as someone scores or steals 7 agenda points.