A note on the book`s layout

By Locksathy, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beta

Hello all,

I find the layout for the beta book to be very pleasing. The font choice, the spacing, the colors, the backgrounds.

They add a lot of character to the book without causing clutter or being overwhelming. Even with only a few pictures

included (this is the beta after all) this book is still a joy to read.

My only complain is the following: It would be nice if their was some kind of color coded bar on the edge of the pages whitch

could bleed on the side of the book when its closed so its was easier to get to each chapters.

PS: Sorry for the crappy writing. English is not my birth language! :-)

Locksathy said:

Hello all,

I find the layout for the beta book to be very pleasing. The font choice, the spacing, the colors, the backgrounds.

They add a lot of character to the book without causing clutter or being overwhelming. Even with only a few pictures

included (this is the beta after all) this book is still a joy to read.

My only complain is the following: It would be nice if their was some kind of color coded bar on the edge of the pages whitch

could bleed on the side of the book when its closed so its was easier to get to each chapters.

PS: Sorry for the crappy writing. English is not my birth language! :-)

Your English is good, so please do not worry.

I really like the layout of the book as well - it is something that everyone who has now seen my copy of the Beta book has said, that it is laid out very well and well edited for a beta book. A colour coded bar though would be a great addition to the final book.

I agree on all counts, including your use of English. Very understandable.

I must disagree somewhat with the OP. I am not a fan of the font size or the font color. Both these factors conspire to make the text difficult to read in some situations, a problem that is often compounded by the gloss of the pages. I would very much like to see the finished core book have larger, darker print.

Personally I find the book to be perfectly legible, that said it would not be a problem for me if the font was increased slightly to cater for people who find it a little more difficult. As to having some kind of colour block to assist in locating specific chapters, I think that would be a great idea.


General points on the book

What has been done well
1. Looking at the book as it sits on the bookshelf the pale book cover and spine stands out. This will make it easier to see on the store shelves.
2. I like the artwork on the front and type face on the cover is easy to glace at and see.
3. The general layout of the book is good
4. Good paper stock
5. Good font & font size form the text
6. The unfinished art work shows potential if it were finished. Can’t wait to see more of it.
7. Like the chapter quotes
8. The language used is easy to read and understand
9. Good page size. Easier to fit on a photocopier if you need it.
10. The tables are well written, and readable
11. Keep the normal dice conversion chart.
12. Keep an eye on the binding. First version is good

Possible changes
1. Would recommend the color of the ink on the contents page be deepened in tone a little to increase readability.
2. All important tables section be included at the back for GM reference.
3. Include more ideas on what can be done with advantages/threats
4. Keep the dice sticker sheet in the back for those that will have to make their own dice because they do not live near a good gaming store.
5. Include a blow by blow combat example in the combat chapter. Something showing dice, distance, species, the consequences for jumping into close quarters without spending the manoeuvre, shooting into combat with allies. I have tried writing my own and I got lost after page 7.
6. On the character sheet, the white writing for the stats names is changed. For those who have a poor photocopier or printer it becomes unreadable.
7. Change the position of the page numbers to be included in the boarder of the page so every page can have a page number. In the carer talents chart section it can be hard to track page numbers, for people new to the game.

Additional Ideas
Perhaps it may be possible to have an online access for books buyers to special features, such as…
1. From the beginners set, the deluxe extended character sheets in an editable version, so if GM wants to do something special for his players he can. Or maybe a you can have an on line, designed to assemble and print out character sheet?
2. A quick search pdf version of the book for GMs to use? (see the gnome stew Eureka 501 adventure plots pdf)

Dice roller
Include an option for listing what the symbols total as E.g. 3 successes 1 triumph

Sennagarrhm said:

2. A quick search pdf version of the book for GMs to use? (see the gnome stew Eureka 501 adventure plots pdf)

That would certainly be nice wouldn't it? Unfortunately, it's never going to happen. Electronic books falls squarely under Lucasart's Digital Gaming License, which FFG doesn't have. It's why WotC could never publish a PDF of their books. They barely got away with posting their online updates by using a loophole and calling it "supplementary material" or something like that.