I believe that it would be swell if the Character Sheet had some space for Armor stats.
I believe that it would be swell if the Character Sheet had some space for Armor stats.
Do you have an example of what you're thinking about?
EDIT: my apologies…my computer was being weird and I didn't realize which post of yours I was questioning. But I suppose an example here might be of help as well. What other stats should they provide for (besides Soak and Defense)?
LETE said:
I believe that it would be swell if the Character Sheet had some space for Armor stats.
You mean other than the "Weapons & Armor" box found on the second page?
Most of what armor does for a character is going to calculated as part of their Soak value or their Defense scores, both of which are covered on the first page. Since a PC's weapons are already covered on the first page as well, they could use that Weapons & Armor box to note any special details about their armor, namely what modifications or upgrades (if any) have been installed to it.
Still… the sheet needs it! & what about a place to write down the armor's special qualities, if any?
It would be interesting to have a place to mark the severity of each critical injury received [for Medicine/MecHanics skill use purposes] and a space to tally the total penalty for Critical Injury rolls.
Also, a space for a characters Force Rating would be appreciated.
Total Encumberance and encumberance used is missing from the sheet entierly
I found the character sheet generally substandard - I often do for games, but this one was exceptionally problematic on its face.
The sheet design, as laid out, is only practical if it's the inside two pages of a folio design, rather than a single page double-sided.
A large chunk of whitespace can be freed up to be filled with the talents by a different layout, like…
Header data
Atts ___ Skills
Wounds ___ Stress
For comparison, the current layout would be:
Header data
Wounds ___ Stress
I don't dislike the general look, but the sheet means I'm going to be flipping the sheet in combat to use my talents effectively. For my own use, I've already done up a much different looking character sheet.
I would prefer squares or circles to the sidewise chevrons in the skill level column.
Traits could use a "tree" column, or having a group of boxes for tracking which boxes of one's opened trees have been taking.
Personally, I'd like to suggest a landscape version of the character sheet, even if it's just a PDF download.