we made 5 games in a row and after 2nd game every game was similar…..
first 1-2 turns get boost in kingdom, then play battlefield and 1 power for carddraw….. just steamroll after. really bad gameplay for my part. we tried to analyze and came to conclusion that you cant stop enemy from that, if you rush you brun 1 section but lose after that. EVERY game was like that… boring….
1. is there a max handsize? (since after turn 4-5 its getting out of hand, since you cannot remove power that fast)
2. battle are really noninteractive, only coresetproblem?
3. what did we do that we hate the gameplay? it feels same difficulty like yugioh…..and not comparable to AGOT LOTR or cthullhu
i wanted to compare it against netrunner to check which i am gonna play, but WI feels like game for 10y olds in compare