Hi all, below is my Baratheon Knights deck which i thought i would share. The deck is constructed using 2 core decks and approximately 60% of the available chapters ( what i currently own )
Any comments are actively welcomed and in particular suggestions that may include cards i currently do not own. It is designed for Joust predominently.
It started off as a Lannister destroyer deck ( my friends ) and has now evolved for a little more balance.
Construction is as follows :
30 Characters
15 locations
7 Attachments
9 Events
TOTAL 61 cards
AGENDA : Knights of the Realm
- Threat From The North
- Lineage And Legacy
- Loyalty Money Can Buy
- Valar Morghulis
- The Red Wedding
- An Empty Throne
- Men Of Duty
- Sir Cournay Penrose x2
- Arrogant Contender x2
- Sir Arthur Dayne x2
- Stannis Baratheon x3
- Hedge Knight x3
- Highgarden Refugee x2
- Salladhor Saan x1
- The Laughing Storm x2
- Knights of Flowers x1
- Knights Of The Storm x1
- Robert Baratheon x2
- Davos's Confident x2
- Vanguard Lancer x2
- Willis Tyrell x2
- Ser Guyard Morrigen x1
- The Art Of Diplomacy x3
- Lightbringer x1
- Lordship x1
- Stinking Drunk x2
- Great Hall x2
- Stormlands Fiefdoms x2
- King Roberts Chambers x1
- Smugglers Cove x1
- Narrow Sea x3
- The Stormlands x2
- Highgarden x1
- Massey's Hook x1
- The Nightfort x1
- Myr x1
- Obey The King x2
- Make An Example x1
- Muster x1
- Dissension x3
- Superior Claim x1
- Paper Shield x1
I look forward to the response, comments, critique and questions. Thankyou