Harry Potter Expansion

By TurboIce, in Talisman Home Brews

Hey everybody, this is my first post on this forum. I wanted to post an expansion that I made with Strange Eons that is based off the Harry Potter franchise. Every single card in this expansion is inspired from something out of Harry Potter (some more well known than others). Most of the artwork, while representing the effect of the card, does not have anything to do with Harry Potter. Here are the cards that the expansion has:

- 1 Alternate Ending Card
- 1 Rules Card
- 7 Horcrux Cards
- 21 Spell Cards (including an all-new type of Spell, the Unforgivable Curse)
- 4 Treasure Cards
- 53 Adventure Cards (12 Magic Objects, 11 Enemies, 10 Potions, 6 Places, 5 Strangers, 5 Events, and 4 Followers)

I'M NOT SURE HOW TO PUT UP THE ENTIRE EXPANSION UP FOR DOWNLOAD, so if someone could tell me how to do that it will be greatly appreciated. But until then, I have a handful of cards here that you guys can take a look at:

Here is a rules card that explains the new additions:


Here is the Lord Voldemort Alternate Ending:


Some horcrux cards:

Golden-Cup-Front-Face.png Nagini-the-Snake-Front-Face.png

The back of the Horcrux Cards:


A few Spell Cards:

Protego-Front-Face.png Imperius-Curse-Front-Face.png

Patronus-Charm-Front-Face.png Disarming-Charm-Front-Face.png

A couple of treasure cards:

Resurrection-Stone-Front-Face.png Elder-Wand-Front-Face.png

A handful of Adventure Cards:

Whomping-Willow-Front-Face.png Triwizard-Tournament-Front-Face.png

Shield-Cloak-Front-Face.png Potions-Master-Front-Face.png

Phoenix-Front-Face-1.png Owl-Front-Face.png

Merperson-Front-Face.png Magic-Cauldron-Front-Face.png

Liquid-Luck-Front-Face-1.png Hogwarts-Express-Front-Face.png

Gringotts-Bank-Front-Face.png Draught-of-Living-Death-Front-Face-1.png

Death-Eaters-Rise-Front-Face.png Dark-Forest-Front-Face.png


I commend you on your work. I am not very well versed in the HP movies; I've seen most of them, but I'm not exactly a big fan, maybe below average 'fan'. But I see what you did there and it seems to work. I like the Elder Wand object, but I think adding 2 Craft would be more appropriate. The Lord V alt ending is also looking good.


Looks very nice, good work..

But NO NO NO Plz dont put that puny little wannabe wizard into the wonderful world of talisman.

Bravo! (clap clap clap clap)!!!

How about a brand new board and a gentle twist at the mechanics and we could have a brand new game -in the spirit of RELIC- and not just an expansion!!!

This would definitely appeal to a broader audience - I envision hoards of children pulling their parents to the game stores for the new HP the boardgame!!!

I'd love to have this expansion you came up with! Looks fun! Anyway you can email it to me?

Edited by Momolio

This looks great! I'm a fan of HP, so it would be so cool to combine it with the great world of Talisman.