The waterfall in the Shadow Vault interlude: a quick question

By severius2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This is my first intervention in this forum, so h ello to everybody!

The other day my group played through the Shadow Vault interlude, and a doubt arouse: can the monsters jump down the waterfall? Somehow we thought that monsters couldn't use any of the shortcuts, so we put all the eggs in Jain Fairwood's basket (heroic feat + vitality potion) only to watch her followed down the waterfall by our foes. All of them suffered the red dice in damage but survived, so Jain was cut off from the party and butchered once and again until Zachareth got his prize and easily walked away…

we just played this scenario today, me as OL. we read the scenario to say, that monsters couldn't jump down the waterfall. it is definitely a point of contention, though.

Page 14, The Shadow Vault, Swimming: "As an action, a figure in a space along the edge of the Stream closest to the Waterfall may hurl himself over the waterfall."

It says figure , not hero . Throw away!