Ideal point level for tournaments

By R5Don4, in X-Wing Organized Play

With the amount of time it takes for the average 100 pt game to play coming in well over an hour (90 minutes) I'm thinking that it is not the ideal for the tournament setting. Would 70 points be more in line with being able to complete in a 60 minute game? 60 minutes is a reasonable amount of time for tournament rounds to last, with a swiss round tournament going a minimum of 3 rounds, just over 3 hours is much easier to accommodate than just under 5 hours with a potential for a fourth added round easier to swallow in the 1 hour format.

Does the game still have the depth at 70 points to make for an interesting tournament?

I recently started playing and the best play experience seemed to be at 70. With the rebels you can get two unique pilots, or one unique and two generics…while the empire can have a nice sized fleet. Still took a decent amount of time as both players were new to the game, but we felt that early hiccups in learning aside it was a good experience. I also imagine with a nearly 40-50 pt. Millenium Falcon coming out 70-80 pts would be reasonable. Probably more along the 80 pt. line as if the falcon clocks in around 49 it will be difficult to fit both that and an x-wing with any droids/etc.

Hey Don, I read early on that 75 min was the length of a game. I would still like to play at 100. The lower you go it seems that the rebs get better, but that is just me. After 2 rounds ships start dying quick and the last 1/2 hr might go quick.

agreed, ive not lost a <100pt game with rebs…

Interesting. Imperials have consistently won for us. I hypothesized that 70 points gave the Imperials much more to work with whereas the Rebels didn't have much gain between 60-70 points. Maybe I just need to work on my Rebel squad construction…and probably my Rebel battle tactics, too. 60 points is fun, but 70 points give you more options so you don't feel like you have as many tradeoffs between your upgrades; you basically can take everything you think you need.

chris cook said:

Hey Don, I read early on that 75 min was the length of a game. I would still like to play at 100. The lower you go it seems that the rebs get better, but that is just me. After 2 rounds ships start dying quick and the last 1/2 hr might go quick.

I've found the opposite to be true. The Rebels have more synergies than the Imperials. With fewer ships, the Rebels are weaker because they don't stand on their own very well. Conversely, the Imperial ships mostly have abilities that work by themselves or get better with fewer ships. The only Imperial ability (that isn't an upgrade card) that affects the rest of the team is on "Howlrunner". The rebels have Biggs, Garven, and Dutch with team centered abilities and they also have astromechs (which cost points).