Priority Requisition

By TBossAZ, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

This card gives you the option to rez a piece of ice ignoring all costs. Does this override the rule on page 17 that says ice can only be rezzed when it is approached?

Yes. Otherwise, when could you possibly score Priority Acquisition and trigger its text?

Never forget the Golden Rule: If the card and the rules conflict, the card takes precedence.

Sorry to 'rez' an old topic but maybe I don't understand ICE and runs…

When there is a run on one of my servers, I rez ICE (say I do). I pay the costs and all that to flip it up and have it do its thing. Run ends. What happens to ICE? Becomes unrezzed, but face up? Face down and unrezzed?

What is the advantage to rezzing a piece of my ice while not in a run? Will it be rez ready the next time a runner encounters it? Do I have the option of not having it be encountered when a runner makes a run on the server that contains that rezzed ICE?

There a 'all about Runs and ICE and Rez" list somewhere?

vermillian said:

There a 'all about Runs and ICE and Rez" list somewhere?

It's called "Rules of Play" and comes with the Netrunner box (and is also available for download in the Support section here).

Do the rules tell you that ICE is de-rezzed after a run? No. So it's not. It stays rezzed. And the rules and flowcharts in the rulebook tell you all about what happens when a runner approaches and encounters rezzed/unrezzed ice.

In a nicer way, ICE stay rezzed once they are rezzed unless noted otherwise. A runner will have to pay to break their subs, should they want to, each time they run that server. Priority Req lets you save credits by rezzing an expensive ICE for free and saving credits is never a bad thing in Netrunner.

The runner has a choice of approaching the ICE or not. If they choose to approach it and it's rezzed, they HAVE to encounter it. Even when they have cards like Femme Fatale or Inside Job, the ICE is still encountered but they can bypass the subroutines and prevent their effects from happening.

i might've owon that game the other day…. still learning the ropes. Thanks!