Maneuvers and Assisted Checks

By darkrose50, in Game Mechanics

Combat rounds last one minute. That is a lot of time to do stuff in. I would rule that a character can take two maneuvers to perform pretty much any maneuver twice. Please note that taking a second maneuver causes a point of strain, and two maneuvers are the most anyone can take in a round (unless some Talent downgrades it to an incidental).

Such as using the “Interact With The Environment – Taking Cover maneuver (page 130)” twice to duck behind a ruined wall (1st Taking Cover maneuver) and then scurry along behind the wall (2nd Taking Cover maneuver) in order to pop out and shoot at a Stormtrooper unsure of your movement. Many folks seem to think that Taking Cover twice is redundant. However if one combat round is a minute, then I would think it would not be redundant. Thoughts?

Here are some common things we may want to do:
1. Use the aim maneuver (page 130) to gain a Boost Die. These can carry over two rounds (this is an exception to the norm).
2. Use the Interact With The Environment – Taking Cover maneuver (page 130) to impose a Setback Die onto an opponent.
3. Use the assist maneuver (page 130) to grant a Boost Die to an ally.

Assisted Checks
4. Instead of using #3 above we can use the Assisted Checks rule (page 22) to use the higher of two characters Characteristic and Skill values. If none are higher, than the passive character grants a Boost Die to the active character. This is essentially #3 above.

Now here is the rub. Can we use two assist maneuvers to grant two boost dice? I think sometimes none, sometimes one, and sometimes two is the answer. If so, then during *some* out of combat actions we should be able to spend a strain to grant two Boost Dice to an ally. Thoughts?