My question is about the wording.
"Whenever you install a Virus program the Corp trashes the top card of R&D."
I have played this as a face up discard from the deck and as a face down. Depending on who I playing against. I don't feel like having a rules debate during a game.
SO here is my question because I seem to find support for both face up and face down in the rules that apply… (I think) but this is not clear to me.
The rules on pg14 about Discard Phase would not apply because Noise's text does not say discard.
The rules on pg18 about Trashing Cards would not apply because the Trash cost was not paid.
The rules glossary on pg31 define "Trash: The act of moving a card to its owner's trash pile." Again doesn't help the question be answered.
The rules pg13 under installing cards say, "Trashed cards go to Archives faceup of they are rezzed, and facedown if they are unrezzed." But this is about installed unrezzed card. So does this apply to the top card of R&D?
Have I missed something in the rules that would solve this question?
If it seems like I am difficult about this it is because I have not found the an answer yet. SO if anyone has any thoughts on this lets get this solved.
Thanks for your time