First Rebel Victory for the Twins

By Budgernaut, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Parakitor and I just finished our third game together and there were a lot of firsts. It was the first time we used asteroids. It was the first time we used 100-point squads. Most importantly, it was the first time we saw a Rebel victory. I suppose two consecutive Imperial wins isn't anything to wink at, statistically.

These were the squads:

Darth Vader (Concussion Missiles, Squad Leader)
"Mauler Mithel" (Determination)
"Dark Curse"
"Night Beast"
Black Squadron Pilot (Expert Handling)
total: 100

Wedge Antilles (R2 Astromech, Expert Handling, Proton Torpedoes)
Luke Skywalker (R2-D2, Swarm Tactics)
Biggs Darklighter (R2-F2)
total: 98

With 98 points, Rebels had initiative (for better or worse). The Rebel strategy was to keep Biggs and Luke close together so Luke could use Swarm Tactics on Biggs, and Biggs could protect Luke. Biggs had R2-F2 and pretty much used that action the entire game. It held up really well. Three defense dice on an X-wing could drive an Imperial player mad. During the first exchange of fire, Biggs took some heat from Concussion Missiles and two of the other TIEs, and all he lost was his shields. While Biggs and Luke went up the middle to occupy the main forces, Wedge was going to sneak up from behind and get ideal shots (hopefully at point blank range), using Expert Handling to get into position. R2 Astromech allowed him more green options to recover from his barrel roll stress. Wedge's barrel rolling was fantastic! Moving last, he escaped the sights of TIEs on several occasions.

The Imperial strategy was to send everyone but Mauler Mithel forward, and have them engage the Rebels. Mithel would then come around to get in close and attack from the sides. Sound familiar? I think it's funny that we both tried the same basic strategy with one fighter trying to come in from the side or rear while the main forces head straight-on. But once the game got started, the strategy changed. After I saw where everyone moved in round 1, I saw an opportunity to take down Vader. At setup, I saw Mauler Mithel off in a corner so set Wedge up to go take him out before coming around behind the rest of the Imperial "fleet." But Vader came in hard and I realized I could get all three X-wings to lock in on him. At the end of round two, Darth Vader was no more.

Unfortunately, Biggs soon took a critical hit, and of all the cards, it had to be Injured Pilot -- Biggs could no longer protect Luke. At the next opportunity, my X-wings scattered like a bunch of frightened mynocks. With Biggs's ability gone and Vader destroyed, we both lost sight of our original strategies and the game degenerated into a chaotic frenzy of dodging asteroids and trying to get locks. Overall, I'd say our skills need work. There were several times I chose the wrong maneuver (the Vassal icons both show 90 degree turns, with one at an angle and one arced, so I got the bank mixed up with the turn). There was also this great moment where Biggs and Luke crossed paths doing Koiogran turns, expecting the TIEs to come toward the middle. Instead, both remaining TIEs flew away at full throttle. I felt rather foolish after that fiasco. I also managed to run both Biggs and Wedge into asteroids. Wedge lost a shield, but Biggs was okay.

In the end, Biggs had 1 hull left, Wedge lost one shield, and Luke had full hull and full shields (thanks Artoo!).

Don't forget the part where "Dark Curse" tailed Biggs two turns in a row -- but his base was touching so he couldn't open fire! NOO! I'm glad I could read my opponent so well; I just wish I could have done something about it.

it was opposite in my group, rebs won the first 6 or 7 game no.matter who had em, until acouple nights ago when the imps got their first and then second victories…