
By IronStar23, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Okay, so the EotE Beginner game site front page has the box listed as $29.95.

However, if you click the picture of the box that takes you to the FFG store, it lists the box as being a whopping $59.95.

I sure hope the correct price is the former and not the later. I’ve been lucky enough to jump on the Beta and have my book, but (despite some people dogging on the “beginner box” concept) I’m very interested in picking up this box. I want the dice, sure, and I love the idea of all the fiddly bits too, but I just can’t justify spending $60 given the content listing.

Alliance has the box listed as $29.95, so I’m hoping the online store page is just a mistake…

I'm SURE that's a typo, as a) no Introductory Game would sell at that price-point; they're deliberately priced LOW so as to lure players in; and b) It's already available for pre-order on MiniaturesMarket and CoolStuffInc. for appr. $19.95. Those sites have been (and remain) 1/3 off MSRP for available SW products, so that's a perfect fit for the $29.95 MSRP.

I'm pretty sure too… It's just that I clicked on the link and thought "What?! That can't be right"


Yeah it says 39.99 for the box. Can't wait to get it.

IG-58 said:

I'm SURE that's a typo, as a) no Introductory Game would sell at that price-point; they're deliberately priced LOW so as to lure players in; and b) It's already available for pre-order on MiniaturesMarket and CoolStuffInc. for appr. $19.95. Those sites have been (and remain) 1/3 off MSRP for available SW products, so that's a perfect fit for the $29.95 MSRP.

Does anyone have a link for I have searched all over their site and have not been able to find the beginner's box pre-order.
