Hi everyone, I have a quick question that I was wondering if you guys could help me find the answer to!
Long story short- I'm hosting a large 6 player game of Twilight Imperium next Friday. Specifically, all of us have quite a few games under our belts and have taken the Friday off to work to indugle our passion for TI3. We also want to make this as epicly big as possible and try out some stuff that we would normally not to in our Twilight games, namely we're going to throw in every single option from the base game and both expansions (except for S.E.Ts, Age of Empires and because we don't like it, Space Mines) and play The Long War (14 Victory Points). For those that are interested we’re using the strategy cards from Shattered Empire but with Trade III. We know this will be an incredibly long, somewhat bloated experience but that is entirely the point of this exercise. It’s also why we’re playing it on a Friday and have kept our Saturday free just in case…
What I want to know is, given that it’s a 6 player game what size map should we use? I was planning on using the 6 player preset map (setup the night before)- but we’re wondering whether or not to go for the 4th ring around it. I’ve heard bad things, such as it can add too many resources to the map but I was wondering what you guys thought, given the context above.