halifax gaming

By snaggrriss, in 3. AGoT Organized Play

Starting demos of thrones lcg and progress eventually into organized play. casual, competitive… depends on the players

It's tomorrow at Quantum Frontier games in Halifax Nova Scotia 6:00-9:00 on corner of robie and young st. we'll play 1st thursday of every month for now. definately get some more slots shortly. if you haven't played or you're a seasoned vet. if your super competitive or just casual, i look forward to seeing you there. It'd be awesome to see some other fans of this awesome game.

where: Quantum Frontier Games. Halifax Nova Scotia. Robie St.

When: Thursday 6:00-9:00


i posted some info for any gamers in nova scotia in the thread anything in Canada. i'll post same info here incase you missed it.

Month of October every thursday i'm hosting a demo for thrones to get some interest going on the game. many people inquire about it, many have showed interest in trying it. No one has oranized anything here, so we have to change that. November and on we'll figure out some times for league play. monday or thursday nights most likely. during the winter months i can play pretty much any time.

when: Thursday nights 6:00-9:00

Where: Quantum Frontier Games 3087 Robie St.

If anyone's reading this please reply to this thread. if you're interested, what times good for you. i would appreciate any suggestions for making this fun and interesting. i don't want it too competitive and people end up hating the game and burning all their cards they purchased. Beer leagues, draws, prizes etc. tell me what you think. Maybe down the road we'll host some tournaments for maritimes something like that. this is the first step.

thnx Marcus Snagg

feel free to e-mail me [email protected]

Hey there is a few of us that play up in Truro and have been for a few years now. I buy my stuff at Monster Comic on Gottingen.

awesome man. when you're in city to buy stuff let us know here. get some gaming in!