Can someone please explain to me why, in the revised ruleset, one would bother to equip a character with both melee and ranged weapons?
i've played quite a few games already, but so far the usefulness of a back-up weapon eludes me. As I understand, melee attacks allow you to target adjacent opponents out-of-path, while ranged attacks do not. While that might come in handy once in a blue moon, it doesn't seem worth the equipment slot such an item takes up. I prefer blazing away with automatic fire at adjacent enemies any day! The old rules gave every weapon type a minumum range; melee could attack adjacent circles, pistols needed one circle space between the target, automatics required two and heavy guns required three. I'm the first one to admit the old rules stank to high heaven, but at least this bit -flawed as it is- makes melee attacks useful to have.
Anyway, I was wondering if I'd missed something… In my humble opinion, a hybrid rule between old an new might be a solution. For instance, you could say only melee attacks and pistols can target opponents in adjacent circles, while melee attacks can also target out-of-path victims. Heavy and Automatic weapons can only fire at targets that are at least two circles away (i.e. one circle between attacker and target). I feel this somehow better reflects reality. After all, there was a reason why WWI troopers sharpened their shovels for close quarters combat, eschewing their long and unwieldy rifles.
Thoughts from the community?