Jinteki ability at the end of the game

By Joe K., in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions

Easy question…

The Runner has 5 agenda points. He makes a run on a Jinteki server and has made a successful run. He scores an agenda worth 2 points, winning the game. However, the Jinteki ability reads:

" Whenever an agenda is scored or stolen, do 1 net damage. "

The Runner had zero cards in his hand. What would come first? Would the Runner immediately win the game? Or does the Corp override the Runner?

The runner immediately wins.

From page 20:

If at any time a player has seven agenda points in his score area,
he immediately wins the game.

Just some additional clarification, the Jinteki ability kicks in AFTER the agenda is stolen. So the runner has already won before they can flatline.

