By Miah999, in Tannhauser

Here is your Tannhauser Month day one review.

Kick off, not much to read here, but this is a good place to leave any requests you have as comments:


The first token of the month, it's also the October Artifact:


Read Rhydderch's review of Rising Sun, Falling Shadows on his blog:


And finally for today a new scenario:


Have fun folks.

Thanks Miah. The token of the month looks interesting =)

I also like the idea of your asymmetric scenario. Have you tested it yet? Also, did you intentionally use the word "Pen" or did you perhaps mean to name the scenario "Pin" the Tail?

Pen? It's a little of both, the original briefing of the scenario was about writting a report on the Stoss, so it was a little joke. But I changed the brief, and forgot the title. Oh well.

Day Four…

First up an pledge drive update:


Next we have Psychowolf's next rerun:


Finally if you haven't seen Rhydderch's Night Eagle review check it out:


and a late addtion reguarding the proposed interview with Night Eagle's author:


It's Friday, Tannhauser Month Day Five…

First up another map from Ron:


Lastly we have the start of a missive rule set overhaul to make campaigns much more fun and interesting, well that's the plan anyway:


All for today we'll have a couple more post Saturday, and as usual we'll probably take Sunday off.


Your blog is great! I don't know if this is the best place to ask, but do you have the scenarios and stuff from FFG's original ruleset page archived on your blog? I haven't come across it if so. With the final bit of the game expected this month I'm worried the support is going to go away like it has for past games.

I'm going to have to make time to download it all myself if it won't be available through your site later.

I have updated versions of some of the older scenarios, but I don't have any of the original version sceanrios available for download, because you can't really play them with the updated ruleset. But I do have them all (I think), so if FFG ever takes them down, I'll put them up somewhere.

Cool, thanks!

Hello Miah

Nice work! I would like to collaborate, maybe with the testing? As you know I also had my own try at a campaign thinking.

I am concerned about how "hard to die" characters affect the gameplay, and also how it would be for a "losing" player to keep interested (and with open options) in the campaign.

Have you thought about a table to roll for all killed characters? (with results from loses next game to perma death).

I undeirstand there is no character progression around stats.

I would make the requisites for medals a bit more expensive.

How do bonus tokens work in this context?

That's a lot of questions…

Your welcome to help test, after I get a full set of base chararacter sheets done, I'll get a couple scenarios together to start trying things out.

Not sure how to answer the next couple questions, but I'm working on things.

As for the medals, those were only examples, the scenario itself will have a section listing what medals are available and how to earn them.

Bonus tokens are at the bottom of the list for testing right now so we'll see.

I haven't done too much with the game in awhile since I'm hoping to either find or hobble together a ruleset for larger battles, but I did glance at the campaign cards. Some quick thoughts.

It looks like you took some inspiration from the Zombicide cards with the EKG rhythm strip at the top of the card. I'd actually get rid of that, and maybe make the life circles darker and/or add a large number to the inside to make it easier to see how much life a character has. The starting life circle is very hard to see, at least for me. A darker shade of green might be a good idea.

The medals are a nice idea. I've toyed with the idea of a campaign system that awards characters based on achievements rather than simply finishing a mission. You might take some ideas from the character challenges for the medal requirements.

Moebius said:

I understand there is no character progression around stats.

It looks like Miah built that in with his life upgrades. On the John MacNeal card, if you upgrade his life from the start (green) circle, some of his stats increase.

Tannhauser month aside, what do you two think of an unofficial publication with fan-submissions to keep the game / world going? Do you think there is enough fan interest for that, or do we just have to accept that the Tannhauser community will leave for greener pastures after the Frankenstahl is released?

Miah's new Campaign System looks really interessting, great work. Expecting the rest.

I'm also working on a campaign since a few months now. Here are the rules so far:
