Training day, gone wrong (with photos).

By Nalydd, in X-Wing Battle Reports

A long time ago etc…

Philus, a rookie X-wing pilot and his trainer Davin, a Red squadron pilot were out on a routine training flight in the Genia system. Reports of Imperial action in the local sector had so far remained unfounded but a little recon never hurt for the newer recruits.

It was while on the dark side of Genia II that they saw something resembling a moon orbiting the planet. The confusing thing is that Genia II had no moons!


"What is that ?" Philus asked.

"I don't know but whatever it is it ain't good," replied Davin. "Reduce velocity, it'll pass from the umbra shortly."

As the X-wings slowed the sight before them unfolded. Slowly as the moon passed from the nearby planet's shadow the pilots saw what was being revealed. A dull grey shpere, smooth as though made of metal, not like rock. A seam that etched across the equator which somehow appear illuminated as if bu a thousand lights. And a large circle, not unlike an unblinking eye poised on the top half.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Davin mused.

Eventually the full entirety of the object was unveiled. The Death Star!


Without hesitation the wing leader ordered an immediate retreat, "Turn about, we need to get out of here. Fast! With any luck we can get back to base without being detected"

The X-wings turned to take the shortest route home and quickly accelerated to escape the attention of the battle station. However moments later their path was blocked by a squadron of TIE fighters.

"Bank left, stay with me recruit!" Davin ordered but it was too late the TIEs had closed in and the X-wings had been split up.


Almost as one the imperial fighters opened fire and split into two groups, two TIEs for each X-wing. To the dismay of Davin, the TIEs expertly moved so that one craft would fire whlie the other hounded for position thus forcing him to take avoiding action.

Before long the deflector shields on both rebel ships had been depleted. Davin managed to hit and damage one TIE but more nimble craft seemed to predict every move he made after that and taking turns to lay surpressing fire, preventing him to reach his trainee.

Philus barely able to contain his fear shouted into his comm, "I can't shake them off!" as one of his pursuers came daringly close to fire at his broadside, only narrowly missing, the green laserbolts flashing mere inches above his cockpit window.


Unable to cover for the younger pilot, Davin was having problems of his own, however his flight experience enabled him to avoid the tandem fire from the imperials. "Accelerate then execute a one-eighty, get them in your sights."

Philus needed no other encouragement, firing his thrusters to maximum he pulled forward then slamming on the retros he pulled his nose up and around. Straining from the g-forces he managed to bring his X-wing back to face his enemy and immediately opened fire. Red lasers scorched through space slamming into the hull of one of the TIE fighters. Although damaged it relentlessly opened fire

Green lasers peppered the engines and hull of the X-wing and even as the ship exploded around him Philus was screaming "DAVIIIIN!!".

"NOOOO!!" Davin roared in anger as another blast reminded him of the danger he himself was in. Oddly one of the TIE's seemed to break of the attack as the other swerved in front of him however any attempt to hit the ship remained annoyingly fruitless. Fully aware that the other two TIEs would also join his fight he pulled his ship around in a tight turn, giving him just enough time to fire upon a TIE heading straight for him, it's green lasers blasting nothing but empty space. Davin fired upon the imperial fighter. Blast after blast of red laserfire slammed into the cockpit and hull, the TIE bursting into a tremendous fireball metres ahead. Davin silently hoped that was the bastard that shot down his recruit as he flew through the flaming detritus.

It was as he emerged that his peril became very apparent. One TIE closing in from the front quarter and two from behind, all of them fast. Davin quickly cleared his head of dark thoughts, "**** these guys just don't know when they're beaten." Davin expertly pulled his X-wing around to change the odds but the nimble TIEs were upon him.


Davin opened fire and watched with dismay as every bolt ripped through empty space. He felt the violent jolts as his ship was hit from every possible angle. Davin closed his eyes and was still firing even as his X-wing exploded.

The three TIE fighters joined formation and headed to the waiting Death Star. The flight commander reporting a confirmed rebel presence in the sector en route…

This was a game between my brother-in-law (x-wings), opposing my son (he's 6) and me taking two TIEs each. We played the starter rules but with the inclusion of range modifiers as well as red/green maneuvers with a house rule that you must take a green maneuver if you get a stress token. Also one of the X-wings was of a higher skill level to balance out a little. The first two pics were taken before my opponent (and his box of ships) arrived, more for myself but it was as I was thinking of the battle report that I decided to include them as part of the story. Apologies again for the dodgy pics taken on my phone.

And it was my son who destroyed the first X-wing and then landed the killing shots on the second. Did I mention that he is 6?

Nalydd said:


And it was my son who destroyed the first X-wing and then landed the killing shots on the second. Did I mention that he is 6?

The force is strong with that one.

He can destroy the Emperor, I have foreseen this.