By theguildllc, in Dust Tactics


80 Pages of Dust goodness! FTF:s for Tactics and Warfare, How2s and an article on building vehicles, including historicals, for Warfare. Now you can include your Shermans and Panthers in games of Dust Warfare. Plus tons more!

For the December Issue we’ll be looking for your submissions as usual (FTFs etc). Also, send us your custom built walkers with pics and a profile built from Rosie’s Scrapyard. If you’re up to the challenge do a How2 for your conversion. Send everything to [email protected]

Thanks Guild,

Another -quality- issue, I'm looking forwards to the next one with the "winter" teaser you had on the last pages. aplauso.gif

Thanks a lot for all the hard work you do for the Dust community. By coincidence I was going back and looking at issue 1 yesterday and since I live in China it was October 1 yesterday. One of the first things I did this morning as I am setting up to paint some heads was again visit your site … only issue #1 =(

Come to the FFG site to ask a question on the forums, see your post, hit refresh in my browser and download.

Awesome. Thanks again. Look forward to reading.

The Link I get only has Issue #1 !

What am I doing wrong ?




Click on the link above, then click on 'October 2012' or the Zombie cover issue. It's a large issue at 80 pages so might take a second to download.

@ TAlldwarf

If the link doesn’t take you there then copy/paste it to your browser. I just tried it and it worked for me.

@Guildic - the link worked fine. I just had visited the webpage a "day too early" due to international date line since I was impatiently awaiting the 2nd issue. I had successfully downloaded and after fixing my son's breakfast (we have a week holiday right now) and painting some heads I plan to read.

Thanks again for the content management/creation and the quick tech support.

Well,,, I clicked this link and got >

I'll try Safari , Firefox is failing me …
OK,, Safari worked !! _ ????
downloading now.

PS; thanks for the production work …


The theme for Issue #3 will be Winter and Steel, so send us all your winter related work. We also want pictures of ALL Axis walkers and historical WWII vehicles for articles next issue.

Awesome stuff you have there OP, thanks a LOT for sharing this!

Great work guys! Good to see that Dust community is growing.

Yet another awesome issue. Waiting for issue #3

I have just finished reading issue 2, many thanks for producing such a great fanzine, one day I may be brave enogh to make a submission!