I really like the Cthulhu themed offerings from FFG, but I don't frequently have the time to sit down to play Arkham Horror. Elder Sign has been a great addition for me, since you can play it in an hour or so… That said, I'm starting to get a little bored with the base game. Anyone know if there are any planed expansions?
Richard said that FFG had several things for an expansion that could make the game more challenging and varied but he had no idea when or if they would be produced.
Sure they have expansions, and many more planned…
…for Elder Sign: Omens.
Elder Sign has had plenty of love for the iPad. Haven't heard anything for the base game, though.
Pretty upsetting that Omen gets so much love and being a Single Player game, while the actual Elder Sign gets neglected. They better announce something cool for Elder Sign this weekend.
biobaba said:
Pretty upsetting that Omen gets so much love and being a Single Player game, while the actual Elder Sign gets neglected. They better announce something cool for Elder Sign this weekend.
My thoughts exactly!
This is pretty much exactly how I feel. I even have Omens… On the Android, which means I'm missing out on the expansion love for that too. But for my money Omens is fun and all, but I'd like to see something for the real game.
Yeah, those of us who don't have an iOS device are feeling a little left out.
I was at the Fantasy Flight Games In-flight report and a question about Elder Signs support came up. They gave their cryptic "Elder Signs is very popular. Next question." response, which indicates that they DO have something planned in the future that they're not allowed to talk about yet, but boy are they sure taking their sweet time!
I very seriously hope you are correct. I'd love to see something soonish.
I know it's too much to hope that it will be here by Christmas, but that is when I get most of my games. If they wait until after that, then most likely they won't see any of my money till next year.
But then again; after christmas it's only a week left until next year…?
I would love to see some expansions for Elder Sign. It is my daughter's favorite game and she keeps asking when an expansion might be available. I am glad to hear that there is an expansion planned, but I sure wish they would hurry up about it!
Fnoffen said:
But then again; after christmas it's only a week left until next year…?
Right… Guess I should have been more specific. If it doesn't come out before Christmas, it may be as late as October of next year before I start thinking about games again. I will be getting games for Christmas this year, and I will most likely play them until spring. Once summer hits, I will be busy with other things, and won't think about board games again until Fall of next year.
So… Apparently I'm the kid who doesn't read the instructions for the test… The expansion did come out for Android phones as well. Don't know how I missed that, but already got my copy.
I am so glad I'm not the only person that feels the lack of content for the base Elder Sign game. It would be fantastic to get some new investigators, as well as new mechanics like campaigns and stories to play with. Here is hoping 2013 is a good year for Elder Sign.
I agree with you that this game does need some expansion to it. Don't care if its some new investigators, spells, items, monsters, etc. I like it because its just such a quick Cthulu game to play.
I could use something to make the game harder, but not "Elder Sign: Omens - Trail of Ithaqua"-hard. So far I've played with two friends, we haven't lost a single game. We've tried almost every Old One until now (only Hastur and Shub-Niggurath(sp?)) remain.
Shub-Niggurath is actually the hardest IMO, but you should play with the variants most players agree upon:
1. No buying of Elder Signs at the entrance.
2. The clock moves 5 hours every turn instead of 3.
3. If something else moves the clock, again it's 5.
This sounds interesting.
Thank you!
+1 to needing expanions. Elder Signs gets more play with my gaming group by orders of magnitude more than any other game. I'd just be happy with some new locations and other worlds, maybe some more variation to the items, perhaps a new game mechanic or die type added into the mix. For me at least, it's mostly just a need for a little new content. I don't expect a whole lot more in terms of mechanics, since at it's core it's mainly just a themed dice game.
Thanks to those who mentioned the house rules. One thing I find is that we have a habit of saving up trophies to try and buy out elder signs. The result is no one ever buys companions or anything (I can think of only one time someone bought a companion outside of starting with Duke - that'd be a good location reward addition).
I'd never heard of this variant before, I may have to try it.
…That said, what I really want is an expansion.
Yes the expansions for the digital version are nice, but I would much rather have them focus on the table top game and maybe make it a little more challenging with an upcoming expansion.
@Joseph: These house rules take care of the difficulty level.
anonymous said:
Shub-Niggurath is actually the hardest IMO, but you should play with the variants most players agree upon:
1. No buying of Elder Signs at the entrance.
2. The clock moves 5 hours every turn instead of 3.
3. If something else moves the clock, again it's 5.