2nd Edition Lieutenants Miniatures

By XRayDescent, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi, new player and interested in getting hold of the miniatures for the 2nd edition lieutenants but they seem very hard to come by. Have they actually been releases by Fantasy Flight yet? I live in the UK, any places stock them?

when they would be avalaible, they would in the first time be in the FFG store

right now, there's nothing, and I think it will takes some times (nothing before 2013)

3 of the 2nd edition Lieutenants are from 1st edition arent they? Are these model still available?

As far as I can tell, the only model of those three 1e figures available right now is lady Eliza Farrow, Alric and Maric Farrow are not. I imagine they will become available when the others are.