ACOK Greyjoy Card Question

By ksoarbmoy, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (1st Edition)

Last night there was a heated debate regarding the use of Theon Greyjoy. the card reads "Gain an additional +2 combat strength AND a sword icon if you are defending an area that conains either a city or stronghold." My interpretation was you gain both text abilities ONLY when defending. The other thought was you gain the +2 combat strength regardless, then if you happen to be defending as well, you would gain the sword icon. Making this card a 6 strength card at all times (unless the text ability gets wiped out).

This caused a long argument, so it would be nice if we could have this resolved


You're right - both prerequements must be fulfilled to get the +2 two bonus as well as the sword.

I find it hard to believe that card could be misinterpreted. How old are the people you're playing with?

Naah...Every groupe has it's rule-benders. Everything can be misinterpreted if wanted. Will and way stuff. Maybe he was just frustrated 'cause of losing so he decided that if he can't win honestly there's always room for showing them what isn't in the FAQ... :)

You know.... bad losers or stuff... I've played with the worst of them - and that was one annoying guy...